24• Returning

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CRAPPY PHONE DECIDED TO WORK HELL YEAH!!! I've dyed my hair blonde... It looks terrible... But YOLO am I right? THANK YOU BROS SO MUCH FOR 4K :3 xx

Sherlock left the hospital once every two days for two hours. To get a change of clothes and shower, to update everyone who constantly enquired about John's health (but not his parents), to get some flowers to put by John's bed. Sunflowers. His favourites. And a red rose to put by his pillow. And every four days, he'd eat a small meal. Nothing more than a five year old would eat as a snack. Sherlock was used to eating small portions but these were ridiculous. Every time a doctor or nurse would ask, Sherlock would have an excuse. But he never prepared for what his friends and Irene would say if- or rather when- they found out.

"Sherlock my nephew eats more than that!" Greg exclaimed as he walked in on Sherlock eating a rice cracker. "And he's not even on solid bloody food!"

"I always eat small portions." Sherlock waved the matter aside. He had basically moved into John's flat since his parents found out about his boyfriend. They were displeased... To say the least.

"Not this small." Molly commented in a small voice.

"What do you want me to do?" Sherlock snapped. "My boyfriend could die any second and you're worried about me."

"We're worried about both of you!" Greg spoke for the four of them. Sherlock continued to chew the rice cracker and type the email to his brother about Moriarty's whereabouts. In the commotion he had slipped away, where was a mystery.

"Sherlock." Mary said. "John needs you to be strong..."

"Eating weakens my mind."

"John doesn't need your mind at the moment!" Mary raised her voice and made her tone stern. "He needs you in general, he needs you to be strong. For him." She finished softly.

"Fine." Sherlock hissed, "I'll make a sandwich or something."

"No." Mycrofts voice came from the hallway.

"We locked the door behind us?" Molly said, confused. Sherlock laughed.

"My brother has a key to every house in England!" He smiled dryly. "What do you want, Brother mine?"

"You and your friends will buy lunch at places across the street every day. I've arranged for mrs Hudson to bring you something in the evenings also. And you will eat it Sherlock." His brother said, forcefully. "I may have a stupid brother, but I refuse to have a skeleton one."

"You will be the death of me." Sherlock spat.

"No." Mycroft smiled dazedly. "You'll be the death of you."


Sherlock sat by the window in John's hospital room gazing out at the birds soaring through the sky, with the repetitive bleeps of the cardio machine in his ears, assuring him his John was still here. Nurse Moore came in, playing with her fingers. Sherlock could see her in the reflection of the window. Nervous. He deduced casually.

"Evening, Mr Holmes." She stammered. "The doctor asked me to ask you wether..." She cleared her throat. "Wether to keep John's life support on." She prepared herself for an outburst of ugly words thrown in her direction like knives. But Sherlock just smiled sadly, making the nurse giddy with his puppy eyes.

"Tell the doctor that I'm going to keep my boyfriend for as long as I can. Thank you." He said, turning to watch the window.

"It's been a month..." Nurse Moore said. She hesitantly picked up the news paper that lay pathetically on the table by John's bed, and opened it. "They caught the man then." She asked Sherlock, the pair had never had a conversation longer than a few minuets. "Moriarty in a loony prison." She smirked. Sherlock winced. He knew those padded cells and white jackets better than any one had ever known. He remembered telling John.

Maybe the secret would die with him.

"Yes." Sherlock said, still not looking at the nurse. "Where he belongs." Nurse Moore shook her head.

"The bastard should be killed." She said, chucking the paper carelessly on the table. Sherlock turned around and stood up.

And then something incredible happened.

From the bed that seemed almost empty now, came a mumble. It was quiet at first but it got louder. "*mumble mumble* I agree with her." Sherlocks eyes lit up and widened. Was that...? Was that John?

"JOHN!?" Sherlock asked frantically shaking his boyfriend. "John! It's Sherlock! It's me! Oh my god!"

John's eyes began to flutter and when they opened, Sherlock was greeted with gorgeous emerald green irises, just as he remembered them.

"Did you find anyone prettier?" John croaked. Sherlock collapsed in the chair, crying in happiness.

"You... I hate you... You... You utter..." Sherlock smiled.

"What?" John smiled, sleepily.

"You cock!" Sherlock shouted at him, hitting his head gently with his hand. "Why would you do this to me!?" He raged, still smiling.

"Because I love you." John smiled, taking Sherlocks hand and placing it on his heart after kissing each one of his fingertips. Nurse Moore ran out the door, and reappeared with some doctors.

Neither of the boys could pay attention. They were too lost in each others eyes.

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