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Hello Kookie-ah


Hyung to you

Okay hyung

Anyways what's up

You know, the usual.
Being bored, studying,
trying to find a job so
I can afford concert tickets
the next time BTS comes
to my hometown. What
about you hyung?

I'm right now on a break
so I decided to text you
because you seem cool

Really!! :O


Woah thank you hyung!

No problem I guess

If you don't mind me
asking, what are you
working with hyung?


You said you were on
a break so I imagined
you were at work...
Might've been wrong
tho.. 😅

Nah you weren't really
wrong since I am at
work, I just didn't imagine
getting that question I guess

Ah okay. Sorry hyung

No need to say sorry.

I work with producing and
stuff like that. It's not
anything super serious tho

lowkey always wanted
to be an artist but I can
barely sing so yeah...

You should follow your
dreams Kookie

I am tho

It doesn't sound like it

It's because being an artist
is not my 'dream'...

Really? What is your dream

Don't get me wrong hyung, I
love to sing and dance. It has
been my dream job ever since
I was little. I still really want
to become an artist, it's just
there's one thing I'd rather
want than that now

What's that?

It's pathetic

No dreams are pathetic

No really hyung. It is.
It's barely even a dream

If it first is a pathetic
dream and then barely a
dream, then what is it?

Idk... I just really wanna
meet Yoongi some time
in my life... Like I said,
it's pathetic

It's not pathetic. That's
actually adorable. I'm
sure you're gonna meet him
some day. But out of all
the members of BTS, why
him? Why is he your
favorite and how could
meeting him replace your

Woah one question at a
time hyung

Well, there are many reasons
to why him. First of all, he's
adorable. To me, he's the most
interesting member. His
personality sticks out and it's
really interesting how he can
escalate in just some seconds.
He have also had a really tough
life before BTS and him being
strong and making it through
his fight plus all his encouraging
words makes him a great
inspiration. Those are some of
the main reasons why I like him,
but there are other smaller
reasons to why I like him so
much too. 3 of those reasons are
for example that he's extremely
cute, like he's the cutest member
in my opinion, he's hot at the
same time and that's seriously
dangerous. He's great at piano
and almost nothing makes me
as happy as hearing him play.
So yeah.

Woah that was a lot.

Yeah... I really care for him.
He's been a huge impact on
my life and he's able to
make me smile when nothing
else or no one else can. He
doesn't know me, yet he's one
of the most precious things
to me. Gosh am I rambling?

Only a little

Anyways, him replacing my
dream is a hard question.
Technically he did, technically
he didn't. I'm still doing
everything I can to be able to
pursue in music when I grow
up, but it takes a long time
and a lot of practice. I guess
meeting Yoongi in real life
has become my side dream.

Oh that makes sense. Anyways
my time is running out. I
gotta go back to work. Next
time let's get to know each other
better alright? ;)

Yeah! That's a good idea hyung.
Sorry for rambling so much 😅

Hey don't sweat it. I felt


What..? Why?

Oh um ignore that part. I
meant I really enjoyed
reading about why you like
him so much! 😄 It's adorable
how much you look up to him

Oh okay hyung 😊

Anyways I gotta go. I'll
talk to you when I'm free!

Okay hyung! Cya


This chapter is a mess :P

This chapter is a mess :P

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