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Yoongi stared ahead at the shop

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Yoongi stared ahead at the shop. It was small, quaint, pale yellow paint was chipping from age. Two carts of flowers sat in front of the windows, displaying bouquets. They were in rows, some higher then the others. Flowers decorated the windows from inside of the shop. Yoongi thought it was almost excessive.

There was a large sign displaying the words "Flower Mart" in boring black font, clashing with the vibrant colors decorating the entrance. Just the front of the shop alone looked like an entrance to a jungle.

He cringed. He felt out of place and paranoid. The sun was glaring down at him. Only then did he realize that wearing a black leather jacket was a bad idea in this weather. He used the back of his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead. He glanced around, hoping no one is looking. The street appeared to be empty other then the occasional car parking at the coffee shop nearby.

He passed by this shop several times on his way to work. Every time, he swore to himself that he would never step anywhere near that shop. Why? Because a grown man covered in tattoos doesn't belong anywhere near a flower shop.

Except the universe decided to kick him in the ass. Long story short, he fucked up and ruined things with his long-time boyfriend. He claimed he never wanted to see him again but Yoongi knew their relationship was still salvageable. So, here he finds himself in front of a flower shop, regretting ever thinking that flowers will make Jimin forgive him.

He took a deep breath in, forcing back the urge to run back to his car and find another way for Jimin to forgive him. He wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans and reached out to open the door.

He stepped in, freezing in place as the bells on the door jingled, signaling his presence. Yoongi wanted to yank the bells off the door and chuck them across the street.

He stepped in further. There were rows upon rows of flowers that he didn't even know existed. The smell that hit him was overpowering but pleasant. Momentarily distracted from his goal, he took the time to glance around the shelves. The flowers were organized by color, making it easier to look at.

He could hear two voices talking towards the back. He peeked through to see that there was already a customer talking to the cashier guy.

Yoongi hung back, trying to pass the time looking around. As he walked he realized that there wasn't just flowers but also aloe plants and cacti. As well as a few other plants that Yoongi could care less about. Overall, the shop was as small as it looked from the outside. The interior was painted white, only further emphasizing the colors. There were large, metal shelves against every wall. As well as two in the center, separating the shop into two sections. Mirrors were placed in the empty spots on the walls making the shop feel crowded. Yoongi felt claustrophobic.

He was snapped back into reality when he heard the door jingle. He glanced over to see that the customer left. The shop was quiet, aside from the faint music coming from somewhere. He walked passed one of the shelves in the center and glanced at the front desk to find it empty.

flower boy | j.j.k • m.y.g |Where stories live. Discover now