An Ending (And Maybe A Sequel?)

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Hello, Hello and HELLO again lads!

Unfortunately, "Pink-Haired Tsundere" has officially come to and end. I really hope you all enjoyed it.

I've been thinking of doing a sequel, it'll be completely original and continue the story of Natsuki being transported into Matt's reality. But updates will probably be slow, so stay tuned.

Other than that, I might be doing more writing in the future if I have spare time. Topics will mostly consist of video game fan-fics or just whatever I feel like writing.

It was a pleasure writing for you all and reading all of your wonderful comments!

I thank you all for your patience and support, as well as all the votes and reads this has gotten.

Guess I'll see y'all around...

Bye for now lads~

But the unexpected

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But the unexpected...

Should always be expected...

If not...

O n l y   d e a t h   a n d   m i s e r y   s h a l l   r e m a i n . . .

T h i s   i s   n o t   t h e   e n d   o f   m e,   M a t t h e w . . .

I   s t i l l   l o v e   y o u

I   l o v e   y o u   w a y   m o r e   t h a n   t h a t   p i n k - h a i r e d   f r e a k

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