Chapter ten

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Kynth Llew

Here I was again, sitting awkwardly in the King's office, waiting for the man to tell me what I was doing there. As the King was talking with one of his soldiers I looked at the magic glass wall. My face and Morwën's were flashing on the transparent surface. It had been discovered that Morwën Aeronwen was the heir of a pretty big fortune left by her parents when they died. Her parents death had been caused by a disfunction in one of the King's firearms industry. The authorities had concluded that she had taken the Prince as a revenge against the King. I didn't know what to think about this deduction, but I already had enough things on my mind right now. Such as getting my check and having a rest.

The soldier finally left the room and the King sat down in front of his desk. He was wearing a padded white tuxedo ressembling snow and his wild brown beard and hair had been magically tamed. He looked at me intently and began talking.

"Hello miss Llew. I see that you have accomplished the mission that was incumbent on you." His thunder like voice did not scare me anymore and I was feeling confident as ever.

"Yes, your Majesty, I did everything in my power to bring the Prince back. But I could have never done it without the help of my ally Jierda Einar." I brought up Jierda's name, hoping to give him a part of my fame.

"But it was you that I hired on the job, not your friend." Jierda wasn't going to be pleased but I sensed that the King had something else to tell me.

"If I brought you here, it was not only to pay you miss Llew." I sat straighter, waiting expectantly for the King to speak.

"If such was your desire, I may reintroduce you in the royal army." I knew I wasn't supposed to say no but I declined his offer anyway.

"I am very sorry my King, but such a thing is impossible for me. I would hate to waste your army's time because of my reluctance." I took a deep breath, about to speak more than I had been invited to.

"Nonetheless, your Majesty, I would gladly offer my service as royal mercenary." I gauged King Bëor's reaction, waiting for him to get mad, kill me or something. Instead, he smiled and gestured for me to go on.

"What I mean by that title is that I would keep on doing my job as a mercenary but, as soon as any member of the royal family would need my services I would oblige in the next minute." I slightly bowed my head toward him.

"Is that not what you are already supposed to be doing ?" I looked up, shivers running down my spine. That's what happened when I didn't think things through. My anxiety was interrupted by the King's thunderous laugh.

"I accept your offer young lady but I have my personal condition."

"Anything you wish my King !" I was so relieved that adrenaline was making me high.

"You will have to escort my son every time he has to travel across the country."

"As you wish Majesty."

"My son also insisted on giving you this." He handed me an invitation to a dance organized for the Prince's soon to be corronation.

"My best regards to him. Until we meet again."

The King then handed me my 10 billion golds checks. I curtseyed the King and left his office, richer and happier than I had ever been.

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