Chapter two

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Kynth Llew

Rain was falling down on the lands, if I dared call this over industrialised country "lands", when I crossed the main entrance of a small village. And when I looked around, I only saw a bunch of people who did not seemed to appreciate the arrival of an outsider. The few people who were on the main square suddenly became silent and stared intently at me.

" C'mon guys, this is so cliche."

I let these words cross my mouth, not loudly of course, it was more of a whisper, a thought. I checked the village once again, focusing on the old man's possible whereabouts. Being an elf had benefits sometimes, my sight, for example, was as sharp as a feline's. That explains why I did not have any difficulties to spot out what I recognised as an old graffiti on a door on my right. I could have missed it, every profane would have. Fortunately, I was no profane when it came to that matter. My step was fast, discreet, another elf benefit, before soon I reached the tagged door. I knocked two times before entering, not waiting for any injunction to do so.

"Who cares about conveniences anyway ?" Another thought I forgot to keep to myself. But my target probably hadn't heard me.

"I care! How did your parents raise you, you moron?! Lucky ya, I'm way too drunk to kill ya. Let me sober up, mate, and you'll tell me who the heck sent ya for my head!"

Apparently, he had heard me somehow. The voice came from upstairs. I had almost forgotten about his well developed senses. Not as well as mines, of course, he was only human but still stronger than most of his peers. He had supposedly become a bit more paranoid that he had always been, for what I knew (almost nothing to speak the truth.) I sat down on an old metallic chair that was getting rusty with ages and waited for the old drunk man I was seeking.

The old man took ages to come downstairs and being patient was not my thing. He did not look too groggy for a man that was supposed to be wasted less than an hour ago. I stared at him for a few seconds, analysing the one that shall be my companion for the quest I had signed for.

"What? Do I have puke or something on my face ? Don't pay attention, that's just pure beauty mate. What brought you there Kynth?"

So he remembered me, surprisingly. He did not seem to have changed since I last saw him, still the same grey beard and hair, still the same armoured leather jacket, the only two things that seemed to be new were the claymore hanging on the wall and the scar that was crossing his left eye, which had turned white.

"Nah, no beauty on your face, the years have just not been kind with you. I ain't got no time for small talk, I'm going straight to the point. The "Prince" left the Tower, we have to bring him back to his father."

Boring mission actually, finding the spoiled child of a capitalist dictator. Let me explain quickly. In our country, the CEO of the most efficient company, meaning the one earning the most money, automatically becomes the King. That is how we have had the same king for the last thirty years.

"And how much does the capitalist pig will pay us for his son ?" So typical of him, he would do his job without asking any questions, only worrying about his check.

"Well, more than everything you've ever earned." I knew how to trigger his curiosity. Which would assure me to have him by my side.

"Say no more. I'm in."

This man, as many others, would do anything for money. Even though he didn't need any.

"We're leaving now."

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