Bedrooms and New cars

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After being in a car for 9 hours with my dad I just wanted a break from the silence. As he pulled to a stop at the house and I got out.

Going to grab my bags as he grabbed one. I opened the door as I went up the stairs.

"We didn't change anything." Dad said "We knew you liked it the way you had it then."

"Thanks." I muttered.

He nodded "Ill get the other bags."

He set them down near the door as I was on the bed.

"I'll leave you to unpack, dinner is in a few hours." He said.

"Okay." I said as he looked around.

"It's really good to have you home Stella." He said as he shut the door softly.

I stood as I looked at the picture. It was my mom and Dad, they were young and they looked so happy. I just watched it for a minute as I went to putting my stuff away.

I heard the call for dinner as I went down the steps. As I went past the front it happened all over again.

"What do you mean your sending me to boarding school." I asked as his face didn't change.

"You need to learn some respect for the people that care about you." He said back "Now you are my daughter and I love you but this is to much."

"You can't just ship me away." I said "My whole life is here."

"Actually I can." He said "You Leave in four days."

"Are you insane." I asked.

"Better start saying goodbye." He replied as he walked away.

"You forget where the kitchen was." A voice asked as I turned around.

Lindsey smiled.

"Come on." She said "We made your favorite."

I turned away from the window as I went to make a plate.

"So I got a call from your uncle." Dad said "He wants to get everyone together to celebrate you returning home."

"Cool." I said as I took a bite of the food.

"So tomorrow everyone is coming over for dinner." He said "So I'd say dress fancier."

"Will do." Alex said as I ate my food and I did do the dishes.

"You don't have to do that." Lindsey said "I can handle it."

"I'm already done." I said as I set the last plate aside.

"Well thank you." She said "How are you settling."

"Fine." I said as she nodded and I dried my hands.

"Good." She said "It's good to have you back."

I smiled softly as I walked out of the room as I went up to my room. I took a deep breath as I sat on the bed.

"It's weird coming here." Mom said as she sat next to me.

"Hi mom." I said as she smiled at me.

"How's it feel to be home." She asked.

I only shrugged.

"Well I'm glad your home." She said "I missed you."

"You could see me." I said.

"Yes well, it wasn't the same." She said "I know Your Dad is excited."

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