Just how?

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I could feel the gentle kisses on my face as I just wanted to bask in them. But I know my lips tilted up.

"I know your awake." Adam said as I sighed and I opened my eyes.

"I would much rather be kissed then I would talk about it." I said.

He smiled. I looked down as i saw that my clothes were gone. The blankets wrapped around my body.

I saw my bra strap as I sighed and I left it alone. Laying against his body as I was on his chest.

"How about a deal." He said "For every question you can have 1 kiss."

"How long." I asked.

"That depends on the question." He said.

I sighed at him as I nodded.

"Okay." I said.

He smiled.

"Let's start from the beginning then." He said as I laid on his shoulder.

"I went to the store." I said "I went in to get the groceries."

He nodded as he looked down at me. I continued on.

"He grabbed my butt." I said "So I probably broke his arm."

"Good." He said "Very good."

I rolled my eyes as he smiled and he kissed me quickly.

"They don't want me because of my abilities Adam." I said as I sat up.

"Then for what." He asked.

"When I was a sophomore I met a boy named James." I said "He knew who I was, what I could do."

"We became friends." I said "He told me about his family. His grandfather knew my grandma."

"On my moms side." I said "The family's had been close, they had a secret."

"The key." Mom said as she appeared.

"I never got it." She said "It switched to there family."

"He gave it to me." I said "He said to keep it safe, what it unlocks."

"So does it unlock." Dad asked taking the seat next to Mom.

"A safe." Mom said "Of the sorts."

"Cryptic." Dad said.

"It's a vault." I said "Holding all the worlds deepest secrets. The cure to anything you need is in there."

"Like cancer." Dad said.

"Probably, all the deadliest secrets are in one vault." Mom said "That key could give the worst enemy's whatever they want."

"They want the key." Adam said.

"This is the truth." I said "But the key is special, it only works for living bloodlines of the original ancestors."

"James didn't want that impact so he gave it to me." I said.

"But they can't be forced to open it." Mom said "They have to want to."

"I know where it is." Mom said "I never knew she had the key."

"You have to be alive." Adam asked.

"Yes." I said "You have to be alive."

"Which is why they want you." Dad said.

"They will do whatever they have to for the key." I said "None Of you are safe."

"Easiest victims." Mom said "Your wife."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2022 ⏰

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