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"Okay." Dad said "I know you had your permit when you left."

"I was sent away." I said as he rolled his eyes.

"Whatever it may be." He said "You remember what you did then."

"Not really." I said.

"Okay." He said "We'll for the first thing, You have to adjust the seat and the mirror." He said.

I looked that way briefly as I pulled the seat up.

"You need to see behind you while sitting up." He said as I pulled the mirror to adjust it.

He waited for me to finish.

"Okay." I said "What's next."

"Foot on the break." He said "Pull the car in drive."

That part was easy enough as I did that.

"Now Your gonna Move." He said "So you have to slowly put your foot on the gas."

I nodded as it took me a few minutes but it was easy to remember what I used to do. He still watched as he talked to me. 

I didn't know how this was so easy. But it was surprisingly easy.

"This is what we call muscle memory." He said "Your body is remember what it did when you had the permit."

I looked at him briefly as I looked around us. Turning the car which was easy. He did have to switch me though as he moved the seat and Mirror.

He had obviously been driving for years now. It was quiet in the car as the radio played. He pulled in the garage as he shut off the car.

"I told you it'd be easy for you." He said "You just needed to remember."

"Eh." I replied as he handed me the keys.

I got in the house.

"It's only for a few hours Mom." Alex said.

"What part of grounded don't you get Alex." Lindsey said "You stole."

"Like She was gonna miss that little." She said back.

"No." Lindsey said.

"But Mom." She said.

"Don't argue with your mother." Dad said as she turned.

"Oh great, just the angel herself." Alex said "You should have just stayed away."

"Don't talk to her like that." Lindsey said "She's trying to help you and just for that attitude, it's another week."

Alex made a loud sound as she went up the stairs. I stood still as I felt Mom squeeze my hand.

"She didn't mean that." Dad said "She's just angry."

He wrapped an arm around my shoulder briefly. Kissing my head as he smiled at me.

"You did a good job." He said.

"Dinner is done soon." Lindsey said "It won't be long now."

"Okay." I said as she smiled at me softly and I went up the stairs. I put the keys away as I had a spell around my room.

Certain entrance granted, Mitch helped me out. I went down for dinner as we all ate. It was just normal now that we all ate.

I had just finished When Hope came in.

"Uncle Carter." She said "We're stealing Stella."

"Okay." Dad said "Just bring her back in one piece."

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