Kisses and Flirting

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I walked in the door as I was meet with the resistance of Adam. He was a friend of Mitch's and he was totally cute.

"Hello." I said as he smiled.

"Hey Stella." He said "You look really nice today."

"Thank you." I said smiling briefly "The others here."

"Somewhere." He said "Have you done something different with you hair, it looks really nice."

"Not really." I said "The only thing it could be is the curls."

He ran his fingers over the ends of my black hair.

"Anyways." He said "I was gonna call you today but then Mitch came over here."

"For?" I asked taking off my jacket.

"Well It's been a few days and I was just wondering if you'd like to go out again." He said "Maybe lunch this time."

"Okay." I said "That sounds great."

He smiled.

"Good." He said "So How was your day."

"Pretty boring." I said "Yours."

"It was fine." He said "I had to work the half shift, so it was 11-3."

"Oh." I said "That sucks."

"Yeah." He said.

"Well I should find the others." I said as he looked around.

"Before you do that." He said "There's something I meant to do the other day I didn't."

"You don't usually forget stuff." I said.

"Well if I'm being honest." He said as he scratched his neck "I was kind of nervous."

"I didn't think people like you got nervous." I said.

"Not everyone is out there bold." He said.

"I'll give you that." I said "So What is this thing you meant to do."

"You trust me." He asked.

"Should I Not?" I asked.

"Should you." He asked back.

I sighed.

"I trust you." I caved.

"Good, now close your eyes." He said as I sighed but I did that.

It made me kinda nervous as to what he was gonna do. But I waited as somewhere in my head I didn't expect him to kiss me.

But the moment I felt his lips hit my own I blinked. My eyes falling shut as I wrapped an arm around his neck.

Jesus his lips were soft as his arm wrapped around my waist. I didn't see this coming but it was a welcome surprise.

I couldn't hear anything as my tongue moved with his for dominance. He held me to his body as I could feel the muscle.

Only did I part to breathe for a brief second filling my lungs. I really hoped they didn't see this.

After what felt much to short he did pull away. His lips tinted a nice red from my lipstick.

Oops. I took a deep breath. His eyes going around my face.

"When did we get here." He asked as I looked down.

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