To Be Imprinted On...-Chapter Twenty Seven.

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Sorry i took so long guys, I made this chapter worth your wait. While you're reading this can you try and read my other story too please when you're finished?? It's called 'What if Jacob Black....' Title's really long gonna change it, it's a twilight fan-fiction please don't be too harsh but me constructive THANKS! Enjoy reading!


Chapter twenty seven

Aiden's P.O.V:

How the heck does he know, Alexis couldn't have told him...She wouldn't do that?-Iyannah's mouth maybe big enough to stretch over all fifty states-Even Alaska-but she wouldn't have told him, maybe Kanen did-no, not even HE would sink so low-I got up out the chair and ran out the door and caught Luke by his shoulder.

'You know?' I said, making it sound more like a question that a statement.

'Pfft. I SAW, what are you gonna do?-Transform into a wolf and kill me and use me as a chew bone?' Luke responded, turning around to face me with a glint of fear in his eyes. He's scared of me, my own best friend is scared of me...Is that how bad I am?-How did he see, When?

'How long have you known?' I asked, sitting on the porch step, Luke sat down beside me and placed his chin in his hand.

'Remember the time Alexis got egged by Melissa?' I nodded, how I could I ever forget that?-the time with Alexis' breakdown began, when Mr. Samuels and the whole school really got to her head all because of me. Luke continued. 'You went into the woods and I followed you thinking you were gonna do something stupid. Then I saw you take off your clothes, I'm not a homo so I turned around then I heard growling I thought you got attacked by a wild animal or something then I saw this horse-sized wolf and your clothes folded up neatly on a branch. I couldn't believe it at first, then I started searching on the internet, reading all those damn twilight books and even listening in to all the stories that Paco would tell Iyannah about his background, imprinting and wolf stuff when he comes around here to visit you, then it all finally added up-you're one too' Luke explained, looking at me. I was getting ready to deny it, but what's the point, my wolf gene is my life and by lying to Luke would make me feel like I'm living a lie.

'And don't deny it, dude, because I saw you the Saturday when you left Alex, you both went into the woods, you phased and she got on your back-she knows, my sister knows but me, your own best friend doesn't?, that's messed up, man-Then you have the guts to come here and act like what happened with Alex never occurred?-trying to act like you're the broken hearted one as if you didn't break her heart first. Do you know how many nights I had to put Alex to sleep and hush her when she's crying?-and one night she came into my room and slept in your bed when I woke up the next day she was wrapped in your clothes' Luke said, sounding really pissed off and upset for his little sister. 'She's my baby sister, I can't bare to see her go through this'

'Do you think I wanted this to happen?-Do you think I intended on hurting her like that?-I wanted to come back, Luke, but I couldn't, When I was back home I used to dream about her and Kanen used to promise me that I'd see her but it was just lies. When Alex and Iyannah went to the movies, Paco went with them because Iyannah hit him with her car-Crazy, right?-he imprinted on her the moment he saw her, that's why he's so loved up when he sees her. Iyannah dropped Paco home and Alex was sleeping in the back seat-I saw how skinny she fragile, it hurt, Luke-I got in the back seat and hugged her I promised that when I see her I'd never hurt her again, and if I break that promise may the good Lord help me. Because I've imprinted on your sister Luke and I can't help what I feel for her and when I left her, I did it so she can be safe so I can learn to control my anger and so I won't hurt her' I said, placing my head in my hands, my face felt wet again.

'I'm sorry, I blamed you-it was out of line' Luke muttered, patting my back.

I ignored his apology because there was only one thing that was on my mind right now.

'Do you think she'll come back?-that I'll get to make this promise work?' I sobbed, wiping a tear away.

'Yeah' Luke said after a couple of minutes of silence and staring into the sunset. 'She'll come back; she's probably turning the ignition in her car now'

Alexis' P.O.V:

I got up from the breakfast bar and walked past Christian to stand in front of the TV. I'm on the news!?

'Oh my God-what am I doing on the news?' I shrieked, running my hand through my hair.

'Well you DID run away, Alex' Jade said, in a 'matter of fact' and 'Duh' tone. I rolled my eyes, I did not run away, it wasn't planned-are normal runaways planned?

'Not intentionally!-I wrote them a letter before I left, explaining why I'm leaving and that I'll be going back!' I snapped, throwing myself on the sofa and putting my head in my hands.

'Writing a letter doesn't exactly make everything right, Alex' Eden said, putting her arm around me.

I sighed. 'Christian, Volume!' Eden demanded, sipping some of her milkshake.

Christian muttered something about Aunt Eden being bossy and turned the TV up; the voice of the news reporter filled the room.

'Alexis Thompson, had run away from her home in Washington D.C. her family are devastated by Alexis choice of solving her issues that she is having at school with bullies and hope that she will realize what a crazy choice she is making and return home. Leaflets and posters have been put up in both her school and her neighborhood by her father Simon Thompson, her brother Luke Thompson and a close family friend Aiden Lee.' The lady paused to press her finger to her ear; she's probably receiving more information. Aiden-a family friend? To me?-Ha-ha.

The lady continued. 'We have received new information on Alexis Thompson's whereabouts. A member of the public took a picture of a girl that matches the description of Miss Thompson. This image was taken at a Starbucks, in California, Florida' Maybe they got the wrong girl...that always happens...right? A picture came up of two girls laughing together and holding a Starbucks cup. One of them had on a red baseball cap and black sunglasses. The other didn't. I groaned.

'That's me' I placed my head on Eden's shoulder.

'And Me' Jade sighed.

Aiden's P.O.V:

Had been flicking through television channels, Luke stopped at the news channel there was a picture of two girls one of them had on a red baseball cap and black sunglasses-she looked familiar, something glowed on her wrist-a charm bracelet. I leaned forward; Simon came up from behind me and sat down next to me.

'That's Alex' Luke whispered, leaning forward too. Yes, it was. She still had her charm bracelet on. I smiled, she looked healthy-she looked back to her old self-he face glowed with happiness as she laughed with the other girl in the picture.

'The person who sent us this image doesn't know where Alexis is staying, But told us that she looked happy and healthy and seemed to get along well with the girl who looked her ages, they flirted with a few boys that were also at Starbucks and left in giggles' The lady reporter said before disappearing off the screen and the CNN logo flashing.

I felt my eye twitch, Alexis flirting with boys-what if she gave one of them her number, what if she likes one of them more that me. Jealousy isn't good for me, but I couldn't help but feel it. Simon switched the TV off and sipped some of his beer.

'Well, at least she's safe' Simon muttered as he sipped some more beer. What is this guy smoking?-is there something in his beer that's making him say stupid things?

'Are you serious?-she could still be in danger, you promised you'd never give up' I yelled, feeling the phase nearing.

'Aiden, calm down, she's safe-she's at her Aunt Eden's, the girl in the picture is Jade-her cousin-Right Luke?' Simon explained, looking at Luke who was staring at me as if I was some crazy person.

'Yeah, Aiden, Alexis is fine-Trust me, her and Jade are like me and you-metaphorically joined at the hip!' Luke chuckled.

Was I supposed to be laughing too?-Lord knows, now that I knew where Alex is I'm gonna find her I'm gonna search high and low.

'Let's go' I ordered, running up the stairs. 'We're going to California'.

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