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Hogwarts Express. The two words flooded my mind as I set my eyes on platform 9 3/4. The scarlet train sat on the rail waiting to go. Remus and I ran aboard, out of Sirius's and Severus's sight. We took the very last compartment.

"This is it! We're going to Hogwarts!!!" Remus said his leg bumming up and down as if he just had a whole bin of sugar,"We're really going!!!"

"Yep. I can't wait. Dumdlebore said it would be a good year." I replied, "I hope Severus and Sirius are okay."

"They will be fine." Remus assured.

Once the train started moving our compartment door slid open. A boy with the most blonde hair I've ever seen, stood in the doorway with a black trunk. His gray eyes were cold as he looked at Remus and me.

He sat on the other end of the seat from me. "My name is Lucius Malfoy. Who may you two me."

Remus shuddered, "R-Remus Lupin."

Lucius turned to me, "and you?"

"Isabel Harrison." I replied slightly moving away from Lucius.

"I see."

Lucius didn't talk the rest of the ride. Nor did me and Remus. But I could tell Remus was scared. Not just of Lucius, but scared of himself. See my half brother. If you didn't already know is a werewolf. Every full moon he turns into a wolf and goes nuts. Since he is usual locked up, he can't bite humans. Only himself. It was a hard like for Remus.

Later Hunter and Alaska found me and invited me to talk to them. Using and way I could to get away from Lucius I went with them. Joey was already there eat every flavor jelly beans, which I hated ever since Lyle gave me a liver flavor bean.

"Here have a caldron cake instead. I know you don't like these jelly beans."  Hunter gave me a caldron cake.

"Did you see Sirius or Severus?" I asked.

Alaska nodded,"I saw Severus sitting with some red head."

"Alright as long as he isn't getting in a fight with Sirius." I replied taking a bite of my cake.

"You know they will fight at Hogwarts." Joey said spitting out a jelly bean in the trash, "Sand."

"I know but they the professors can deal with it. Not me."

Joey and Alaska laughed, while Hunter just looked at me. I could tell we were thinking the same thing. Not matter what Severus and Sirius would be me problem.

A hour or so later we arrived at the Hogwarts castle. We were told to leave your trunks were they are. We walked on the side walk were a large familiar face led the crowd. Rubeus Hagrid. I occasional saw him with Dumbledore when the holidays rolled around.

"All first years follow me! Oh hey Isabel!" Hagrid waved the lanter around gesturing the first years to follow him. 

Hagrid led us down to the docks were a bunch of boast where waiting for us. Hagrid, Lucius and I got in the first boat. Once we all got in we set sail for the castle. 



An old witch with her gray hair in a tight bun set us in line for the sorting. Minerva McGongall. Dumbleroe told me the names of just about everyone who worked at Hogwarts to give me an advantage.

McGongall led us into the Great Hall I looked over to the head table where the teachers sat. (also included into the letter.) A mysterious twinkle was in Dumbledore's blue eyes.

McGongall set an old hat on a chair. for a few seconds it did nothing. Then it began to sing:


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