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I value relationships. Whether it is with God, parents, lovers, friends, teachers, co-workers, classmates, bosses- whoever it is, it must be based on trust, love, and loyalty. If the foundation is strong, there isn't a force or power on Earth to stop or destroy it. Many people however start off their relationship with lies, hatred, and cheating- a foundation that can be easily toppled down with a gust of wind.

It is a gift when two people fall in love. Dating is temporary, but marriage is for a lifetime and beyond. Marriage is when two families become one and two people unify. It is grace, a blessing. It is when two people fight for each other and not against each other. It is trust and having each other's backs. Any fight or argument could be solved if you truly love someone.

It is said that you can't fight with someone for more than 3 days if you are genuinely in love them. Divorce is the enemy of marriage, the first thing people go to when they get into fights. Where there is love, divorce shouldn't even be an question. Marriage is sacred, a holy seal that should not be broken. It is allowing yourself to blindly follow the footsteps of each other without doubt. Allowing yourself to break down and let them hold you while you cry. It is love in the time of pain, a cure only a special person could give.

People are meant to grow in a relationship. It might start off rough- built with deceit and hatred, but sometimes it turns out to be a good thing. They discover traits that were hidden, talents that had been concealed, and loved that was buried.They change as a person, a better version of themselves, helping their relationship to stay strong, and their love to last forever.


Enjoy!!! Don't forget to comment, vote, and put on a seat belt. And please tell me when I have errors. Also you can hate on anyone/anything you want. Your opinion matters, if ya don't like a character in my book, well you can rant a paragraph about him/her.

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