Chapter 7- I'll Miss Them

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Hey Guys before you read, I want you to know that there will be a religious part to this chapter and several coming ones. I understand if you aren't Christian or if you don't believe in any God, deity or higher power- but please no rude comments. If you have anything mean to say, save it for someone who cares. I'm not going to change the way I write or what I believe in for people who aren't mature enough to accept other peoples cultures, religions, traditions, or ways. 

 I respect all religions, it just happens that my main characters are Christian (or more specifically Catholic) in this book. I'm not trying to promote any religion in this book (as you read further you will see several religions and people from different races) but I still will remain true to my faith. 

 So enjoy, but keep your rude comments to yourself (if ya have any). <3

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13)



Genesis' POV:

"Traxton fucking King, you think I need your damn money? Well you are wrong. I am a strong, independent woman who doesn't need any of your shit. In fact, I could drop out of this damn fake marriage if I wanted to. But I care about other people unlike you! I am not a devil who doesn't care if someone lives or dies. So just for your grandfather, I will agree to this, and also for the sake of my parents," I shout to the mirror. I have been rehearsing in front of the mirror on what I should say when I see that dick again.

Ugh, the nerve of that man. "She isn't part of our family and will never be." His words kept repeating in my head like a broken tape recorder. I couldn't even sleep properly last night.

"Genesis, honey?" my Mom called from the hallway.

"Ya Mom?" I yelled back.

"Honey who are you screaming at on this beautiful, early morning?" she came and stood in front of my doorway. My face turned a light shade of pink from embarrassment, I didn't think I was screaming that loud.

"No one mom. I'm just nervous about the wedding that's all," I told her told her with a sigh.

"Awe baby, come here," she pulled me into a warm embrace and rubbed my shoulder with her hands, calming me down.

I don't know where a sudden emotional breakdown came from, but out of nowhere I started to cry. First it was a couple tears, soon it was full on sobs. Why are you crying Genesis? Ugh, where this this random sadness come from?

"Shh, I'm here for you Gen," My Mom consoled me, "Tell me what's on that crazy, talented mind of yours."

"Mom... I can't do this," I whimpered, "This marriage is not going to work, I just know it."

"Genesis Jenner, if I know anything in this world, it's that you are the most determined and strongest person I know in my life," she said sternly. She moved me towards the bed and we both sat down. Then she took my hand in hers before kissing my forehead. "Marriage can be hard. Commitment is even harder. Your dad and I have even been through a lot. Right after you were born, him and I couldn't agree on anything. He would work all day and night, and the nights he did come home, he was always too tired to even have a proper conversation with me. Soon we started to not talk at all and we decided to end the marriage. As the divorce papers were coming in, we decided to send Camden to boarding school and I took leave from work to take care of you. Those six months of my life were torturous without him by my side," she continued.

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