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Sadly, Tae shuffled himself down the streets. Today had been a bad day. He knew he shouldn't, but he had brought Yeontan and his coloring book with to his uni. Some of the ''cool'' boys had discovered Yeontan and threw him and his backpack in a muddy puddle. They laughed and spit at him, highly amused and feeling all mighty.
Tae had tried to clean Yeontan, but his nose and a ear were still dirty.

Later on he discovered that his blue crayon had been broken when the boys had thrown his bag in the mud. Now all he wanted was to go home and have a bubble bath.

His lip quivered, his eyes sparkled, tears ready to fall every second. He pressed Yeontan tightly to his chest and tenderly stroked the damaged ear.

He breathed out hard. It was friday and he needed his hot chocolate. He knew he couldn't get out of little space now, but at least he wanted to speak without slurring the words. He was half an hour too early, Namjoon wouldn't be there yet. He felt guilty for breaking the promise of meeting up they actually never had made, but he couldn't face Namjoon in this state.

All he wanted was his hot chocloate to drink at home, maybe while watching The Little Prince. The thought of his favourite series made him smile a little.

But the smile faded and was replaced with a shocked expression.

Apparently Namjoon had also decided to come a bit earlier this day and now he was sitting in his corner, smiling brightly at Taehyung.

Taehyung approached the table calmly with a forced smile on his lips. In his head everything was screaming at him to turn back, run and never return.

But Namjoon looked so happy, so warm and soft as always and the invisible strings that pulled Tae to him worked on full power once again.

Namjoon winked at Tae.

''Take a seat. As I see you've already got yourself a drink. Anything else you want to order?''

''N-no Daddy, th-thanks.''

Taehyung froze, his heart skipped a beat just to completely stop beating. It slipped from his tongue, he hadn't intended to say this. Of course not!

He hoped Namjoon didn't hear what he had just said now, but from the look on his face it was obvious that he clearly had heard what Taehyung had said.

Tae gulped, tears building up again. Just a few minutes ago he thought he didn't have enough tears to cry anymore, but now it was proven that he was wrong with his assumption.

He jumped up, Namjoon's cup on the table clanked and fell down.

''I'm sorry,'' cried Taehyung and while he crouched down to collect the broken cup, the first tears started to fall between the shattered pieces of porcelain.

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