Chapter 8 - The Road with Silas

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Sky's POV

The first thing I felt when I woke up was the world going up and down repeatedly. It made my head heart but when I tried to move I noticed that my arms and legs were tied together. That was also when I realised that I had something tied around my mouth. Whatever it was made my cheeks hurt really bad. I remembered what had happened before I passed out, what Silas hd told me and what he had done. When I thought of Amara being inside of made me feel sick. It was like I felt like someone had stolen a part of me and then ruined it. All those things that had happened before were terrible but they had never made me unsure of who I am, rather the opposite. All past problems had made me discover and realise more about myself. They had all made me develope. But discovering that someone else was inside of me made me forget everything I thought I knew about me, every single feature that I thought made me where lost. I had no idea what I was or who I used to be. I only knew facts, like choices that I had made and events I had experienced. 

"Not opening your eyes wont make you any less awake, you know?", I heard Silas voice coming from in front of me. Even though I didn't want to I opened my eyes. It was dark outside and the only light came from the headlights of the car. Silas was in the drivers seat and I could see his relaxed face through the rear view mirror. 

"Maybe it wont but at least I don't have to stare at your face when they're close", I said angry. The second I saw how unfaced he was by the situation the feeling of being lost was replaced with fury. He was the reason why I felt that way and he didn't even care. He could probably ruin a million lives and still not give a damn.

"Ouch! That really hurt, want me to hit you over the head again so you'll be free of my gorgeus features?", he said with a smug smile. I just huffed in respond and tried to sit up. After a failing a few times I gave up and just turned around instead so my face then faced the car seat. 

"Was it something I said?", he said unseriously. In my head I imagine stabbing him with a butterknife and after that chopping of his fingers one by one. It provably sounds a little psychotic but who could blame me. He was an ass and all I wanted to do was make him suffer a bit, nothing unusual. I became bored after just a few minutes and decided to annoy Silas as much as I could.

"I have to tell...", I said without finishing the sentence. It's silence for a while before Silas chose to open his mouth.

"What were you saying?", he asked me. I smile into the seat.

"I was saying that...". Then I stop again. Silas reacts faster that time.

"What?", he simply asked.

"Are you...". I turned around then and saw that Silas was looking in the rear view mirror cofused. I put on a questioning face.

"Can you finish your sentences?", he said a little irritated.

"What are... talking... am", I said and moved my mouth at the pauses so that it would look like I was talking. He didn't answer, he just stared straight ahead with a confused face. He didn't answer me but kept looking thoughtfully on the road. I got bored quickly again and that made my thoughts travel back to the negative news that I had received. I felt a lump forming in my throat and before the tears could start I coughed and schock my head.

"So, where are we going?", I asked Silas with a quiet and calm voice. It wasn't like me to be confused and worked up about things but at that moment I felt like there was no solution. Something inside me must have snaped and made me feel dejected.

"I'm not going to tell you that. What's up with you anyways?", he said after some silence. I sat up in the car seat and put my tied hands against the window. My vision was unfocused for a few seconds before it turned back to normal.

"What do you mean?", I asked him.

"You would usually have a lot of come backs and you're not so serious". He took a sharp turn to the right onto a minor road into a forest. My reactions weren't fast enough which made my head hit the car window hard.

"Shit!". I rubbed the side of my head. I must've had hurt my head really bad that day, first Silas hitting me unconscious and then the hit against the window. "I'm not in the mood to be my normal self. I'm really sick of you right now because you are so irritating. I can't even express it. All I can say is I hope you crash this car and get eaten by a pack of wolves". I was to tired to think about what I was saying and I could see him raising his eyebrows at me in the rear view mirror.

"Wouldn't you die too?", he asked me and I gave a bitter laugh.

"I'm kind of suicidal at the moment anyways so it's not really a big deal and I think that I have broken something in my head so who knows, I might be really near death right now", I said and leaned back in my seat. I closed my eyes and tried not to think about the feeling that I had to puke. I wanted to sleep but I felt so bad that I couldn't relax. Suddenly I jerked forward in my seat and because of me not wearing a seat belt I again hit my head. This time against the seat infront of me. I sucked in my breath because of the pain. When I opened my eyes everything was blurry again and the sick feeling in my stomach just grew and I felt the need to throw up right then and there. The door at my right opened and I got pulled out. As soon as my feet hit the ground I bent over and puked. I couldn't keep myself on my feet and fell to my knees. My hair was held back probably by Silas. When I was done I still couldn't see properly and it freaked me out. I had never had the feeling of not being able to see. I got pulled of the ground but instead of me walking, which would have been an interesting sight, I got carried in Silas arms. That was when I fel that I couldn't do it anymore and I fell into nothingness.

I hadn't thought that I would have woken up but I did. It was dark outside and I was in a small bed. I was covered in sweat and my hair was stuck to my face. My hands weren't tied anymore and neither were my feet. When I stood up I could feel a minor headache but I felt better then before. I was still in the same clothes as before but they smelled gross and were stuck to my skin at random places. I looked around and saw that I was in a room completly made out of wood. I walked up to the door that was on the wall in front of the bed. It was open and I followed the corridor. It led me to a living room that only had a couch and a table in it. Silas was sitting in the couch with a book infront of him.

"Oh, you're up".

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