Chapter 17 - The Last Question

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Chapter 17 - The Last Question

Skye's POV

*One Month Later*

The car was razing down the road in full speed. I was painting my last nail as Damon hurried for the school. We were late. Our planning had not been to good which we had first realized as we headed out the airport. The nail polish was resting on my lap and I just had one last streak until I was done. That was when Damon took a sharp right turn and I painted my whole pinky red. 

"Damon!", I screamed. Instead of answering he just laughed at me. I tried my best to dry it of but the damage was done. I sighed and put the nail polish back in my purse. I was wearing a black simpel dress with a read blazer while Damon was wearing a suit.

"It was your idea to take the later plane", he said when I told him that we weren't going to make it. 

"You should know not to listen to me, I mean come on I'm fifteen, almost sixteen", I said and he gave me a 'as-if' look.

"You are not! You're over a hundred and fifty! Stop lying to yourself", he told me as we drove onto the last street before the school. 

"Well, I was born fifteen years ago", I told him and he shook his head.

"You were reborn fifteen years ago, there's a difference". Suddenly the car came to a fast stop infront of the school. Damon parked and we hurried outside. We just made in to the bleachers when the ceremony started. 

"Welcome parents, family and friends. What a beautiful day for a graduation. Thank you for joining us today on this special day, as we celebrate our graduates. So let's get started. John Albrecht.-", the mayor, Bonnie's dad started. He listened different names of people I kind of knew but still kind of didn't. 

"Bonnie Bennet!", I then heard him say and I started clapping. 

"You know that Elena and Stefan are pretty far down on the list, right?", he asked me and I just nodded with a big smile on my face. 

"Matt Donovan".

"Caroline Forbes". 

"Elena Gilbert", I heard my sisters name. I started to clap violently and even whisled. She heard me and looked up towards the bleachers to search for my face. When she found it a big smile spread and I gave her both thumbs up which she laughed at. She stepped down from the stage and the ceremony continued. 

"Rebekah Mikaelson". I smiled and clapped as I had done for my other friends. I had never really known Rebekah, only for a brief time when I was with Klaus did I know her but I felt like she was one in the gang and therefor I felt like I knew her. 

"Stefan Salvatore". I heard Damon hooting from beside me and it made me smile. I looked up at him and even though I saw amusment in his eyes I also saw a bit of pride. 

"Did you know that this is the first time I see Stefan graduate?", he asked me and put his arm around my waist.

"No, I thought you had been there other times when he did", I told him. He smirked a little and looked down at me. 

"Isn't it weird? Just two or three years ago Stefan and I were enimies. We absoluely hated each other and now here I am at his graduation", he said in shock. I knew what he ment.

"Yeah, two years ago neither of us knew anything about each other. We had just met, kind of. I think kidnapping counts as meeting", I told him with a huge smile on my lips. He laughed and kissed my lips.

"Yeah, totally counts", he said close to my lips. The ceremony didn't go on a lot longer after that and Damon and I went to gratulate our friends and sibblings. The first one we met while looking was Bonnie standing with her dad. We quickly said congrats and went on. When we finally found Stefan and Elena they were happily in the parking lot kissing. We went up to them but they didn't seem to notice. I coughed a little and that broke them up. When Elena saw me she hugged me tightly. 

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