Chapter 16 - And They Lived

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Chapter 16 - And They Lived

Skye's POV

We tied Silas to a chair while Bonnie started to perform the ritual. The others who were not a part of the ritual had left, only Damon and I stayed. When we were done with tying up Silas we stood back and let Bonnie start. She took blood from both Jeremy and Silas and then dropped it in every single bowl. I spaced out after that. This was it. After this it all would be over. I heard a groan and saw Jeremy bend over and then Silas started to fighting the ropes. He was in pain but it would soon be over. 

"Is this supposed to happen?", Damon whispered in my ear. I nodded as an answer when I felt his arm go around my waist. I didn't lean into him even though I didn't do anything to move his arms. He sighed and all of a sudden we were outside. 

"Okay, you're mad at me", he said as we faced eachother. I crossed my eyes and looked down.

"I'm not mad at you", I said even though it was kind of a lie. 

"Of course you are. You're mad at me because I wanted to save you", he said and I looked up at him with an unbelieving face expression. 

"You still don't understand, do you? You weren't just going to make me leave, you were going to take away my happiness. I'm happy, Damon. Right now, I'm as happy as I could be. I wouldn't even be close to happy if I'm not here", I looked at him hurt. 

"How can you be happy when everything here just crumbles. There's nothing but problems here. How could you be happy?", he asked stepping closer to me. I took a step closer to him.

"Because when I'm here I am with everyone I love, including you", I said and Damon grabbed me in his hands and kissed me. I closed my eyes and leaned into him. I wanted to forgive him, I wanted us to just be happy. I forgave him because I loved him and he loved me. 

"Skye, I promise that I'll listen to you in the future just please make safe decisions. I don't want anything to happen to you and that's all I care about". He looked deep into my eyes to make sure that I saw the seriousness in all he said. I nodded and smiled. 

"I promise, as long as it's my decisions". Damon took my hand and we walked back inside. Bonnie was still chanting on the spell. I could hear her from the kitchen where Damon had dragged me. We werre both silence but I walked up to the fridge to take out a bloodbag. It felt so strange. A big part of my life I had seen the people around me drinking me but it had never been me. I had always been the human of the bunch. Now I was one of them and strangely enough I was okay with it. 

"I never thought I would see you drink blood. I don't know but I always thought that I would be with you but without the whole vampire thing", he said as I poured the blood in a glass. I started to drink and felt the small uneasyness inside me settle. Suddenly we heard footsteps head our way. 

"It's done, they're separeted", said Elena as she started to head back. We walked after her, me with the bloodglass in hand. When we got to the parlous someone had moved the curtains so that the afternoon sunlight lit up the room. Jeremy was laying on the couch with a bandage around his arm and sweet on his forehead. The rest of the group where also there. Silas was passed out in his chair and Klaus was walking around him. 

"I don't see why I can't just kill him right now", he said and I gave him a hard stare. 

"At least wait until he wakes up. I want to know something before you kill him", I told him and sank down next to Jeremy. 

"What do you need from him?", Klaus asked interested. 

"Something very important that you don't need to know about. The only thing I'm going to tell you is that you missed a lot while being in New Orleans". The we heard a gasp from the chair, Silas was up. We all looked up toward him. He were looking around at all of us with fright and anger. 

"Everyone out, I need to have a little chat and Bonnie make a spell so that no one can listen in". They did as I said and then I was alone with Silas. He just stared at me without saying a word. He didn't look at me with the same hate as he had looked at the others. 

"I just want to know one thing. Is she still in me?", I asked quietly and walked up closer to him. He smiled sadly.

"No, when you died she died along with you. You're all you", he told me which filled me with relief. It was the only unanswered question left and I finally felt like everything was over. We were finally done. 

"If you want  to I can probably sneak you out before they notice. If you run fast enough you can build up a new life", I said and smiled at him. He was harmless as a human and I felt like I didn't want more people to die. 

"No, I want to die. I want to be reunited with Amara, that's all I can think of right now", he told me. I frowned and ripped of the ropes that held him tied down. He looked at me confused as I pulled him up.

"Well, you can be reunited with her after you've lived. Let's not throw away the cure, okay?", I said but he still looked at me with a sad face. 

"It's my time to go Skye", he said. 

"Yes, out that door. You will walk out that door and drive out of town. That is all I can make you do and that's all I want you to do. How you plan on spending the rest of your life is all up to you and I will not stop you from killing yourself. The only thing I ask for is to please to it somewhere where I can't hear about". After a lot of thinking on his side he agreed to my offer. I pulled out a pair of keys from my backpocket. 

"I'll take you to the garage where my old Harley is. I hope you can ride a bike", I told him and grabbed him. With vampirespeed I got us to the garage and handed him the keys. I watched as he drove away and out of sight. I had no idea where the nice me had come from but it felt good to spare his life. I slowly made my way back inside where the others where waiting with angry faces. 

"Please don't start. I didn't want any killings today when we all seem kind of happy. Can't we just get one day of happiness without anyone dying?", I asked them with tired and pleading eyes. 

"But how am I supposed to be happy if I can't kill anyone?", said Klaus from where he was standing with his arm around Caroline. I smiled a half smile at him. 

"For starters, you got the girl", I said and his face lit up.

"Yes, I got the girl", he said and we all started to scatter of to whatever plans we had. I walked up to Damon and together we headed outside. 

"Want to go for a ride?", he asked as he walked up to Stefans car. 

"As long as you're with me", I answered as we sat down in the car and drove of.

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