Chapter 3

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We head over to the food table and there is a lot of food. "What's all that?" I ask pointing to one of the tables. "that's all fruit" he says. "oo I want some" I squeal running over the the table. Leon jogs over to the table. "ok what do you want?" he ask. I look at the table and some stuff looks weird. "What are the names of the fruit?" I ask quietly. "that one is mango, This one is raspberry then this one is honey dew" "what about that one" I ask point to little red squares. "that's watermelon" he says. "does it taste good?" I ask staring at it. "yeah. How about we get you every kind of fruit on this table." he says grabbing a bowl mixing the fruit into it. "ok anything else?" he asks. "hmmmm. Desert?" I ask. He leads me to a table. "I want that!" I say point at a dish that had biscuits in a bowl then strawberries on the side. "ok grab a bowl" he says. I grab a bowl and he rips a biscuit up putting it in my bowl. Then he starts pouring mashed up strawberries onto the biscuits. "tell me when" he says. I let him keep pouring. "when" I say. He then grabs the whip cream can. he sprays it onto the top and then puts some on my nose. He leads me to an empty table and we sit down. I try to lick the whip cream off my nose and keep failing. "come here" he says. motioning to his lap. I sit in his lap pulling my food with me. He licks off the whip cream and I scrunch up my nose then rub it. "eww" he tickles my side and we start eating.

"This watermelon is so good!" I exclaim. "I knew you would like it." He says. "thanks babe" I say hugging him. I finish my fruit and desert. "I'm full" I tell him and he chuckles. "You barely ate anything. "but I'm full" "ok" he finishes eating and throws our plates and bowls away. he gives me a can and I look at it then drink it. I gulp it down then take his hand. He wraps his arms around my waist and we look at the sunset. He suddenly lifts me up. He starts walking towards the pool. "No!!! No!!! Dont do it!!! Let me down!!!! Come on this isn't Funny!!! Leon!!!!!!!!!" I squeal trying to get out his grip. we get to the diving board and he is standing on it. "don't leon!!! Please no!!!" I exclaim. He jumps in and I turn wrapping around him holding on tight. We get under water and he kisses me which is really weird. we get in a make out session. He pulls back and I hold him tight again as we swim to the surface. "I told you not to do that" I huffed letting him go clinging to the side of the pool. "You know you liked it" he smiles. "no. I hate water." I say. "I'm sorry I forgot." he comes over to me lifting me out of he pool and hopping out himself. He hugs me. "Im so sorry. Please I didn't remember. Im sorry Please forgive me" he now had tears in his eyes "it's ok Leon. It's not your fault plus. I need to get back In the water sometime. It wasn't your fault it happened." I say rubbing his hand.





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