Chapter 4

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"Hey kids" A guys voice says from behind Leon and me and we both turn to face him. "hey Nathan" Leon smiles. "What are you kids up to?" Nathan asks glancing at me giving me a smile. "nothin. Just makin out" leon says. i elbow him in the side. "we were just talking about how lovely everything is set up and how lovely everyone is" i tell Nathan. "well that sounds more suitable." he says a twinkle in his eye. "hey Nathan i was won-" Stana starts to say walking over. She sees us and stops talking and gives us a smile. "hey!" She says. "hello" we reply. "So nathan i was wondering if you'd come over for movie night?" She asks. "sure. Is it ok with Neon?" he asks looking at me. I nod my head and he smiles. Why is everyone so full of smiles. "ok" Stana replies and turns to me. She eyes me and Leon up and down. Shock goes over her feature while looking me over. "Oh my" she gasps. "so Neon would you mind dancing with me?" Leon asks bowing holding out his hand. "yes sir" i giggle slippin my hand into his. He moves us towards the radio and we start dancing to the slow song thats on.

I already know Stana is going to question me once we get back to the loft. I just dont want to talk to her about it. About all the suffering. I nuzzle my face into Leon's neck. "hey it's ok." he says rubbing my back. I nod my head and the slow song ends. "let's go mingle since this party is for you" He laughs. I nervously follow behind him. "Leon!!!" A little kid screams as he jumps into Leon's arms shortly followed by a girl the same age as the boy. "Leon we havent see you in so wong" The little girl says. "Sorry i've been busy with school and work." "weally? Joe said you are ignoring us" the little boy gives the girl a glare. "No I was actually going to come over tomorrow" Leon says to the little girl. "yay!!" the little kids exclaim. "Emily Joe i would like you to meet Neon" Leon says turning towards me. I smile at the kids. "hi Neon" they both say. "Hello" i reply. "It was nice to meet you" Emily says as Her and Joe get out of Leon's arms. "Nice to meet you too" i smiled and they ran off. "They are adorable!" I smile staring off after the kids. "Cant wait till we have our own" Leon smiled wrapping an arm around me. "me either" i sigh.

Leon went off to talk to people and i just started to wonder around but then a little boy caught my eye. He was alone. He was sitting off by himself. I walked over to him and crouched down. "Hi I'm Neon." i say in a sweet voice. The little boy just stared at me. "Why are you all alone? Are the other kids being mean. If they are I'll go fix that" I tell him. "no. They nice" he says. I smile. "then why are you by yourself?" i ask him. "because no one wants to play with me" he says quietly. "I'll play with you. What do you want to play?" I ask him. He shrugged and i stood up. He then reached up his hands. I picked him up and sat him on my hip. "What's your name?" i ask him as I start walking were no one is. "Justin" He says. "woah cool name. How old are you?" I ask. "3" he smiles with dimples. "You are so handsome" i gush. "thank you Neon" he says. "You can call me NeNe if you want" i tell him. "Then you call me JJ" he smiles once again. "ok JJ Who's kid are you?" i ask him. "My mama" He says pointing at Stana. "oh so you live with her?" i ask. "no. I live with Leon, Uncle Shay and Auntie Juli." He says quietly. "oh. You dont talk much do you?" i ask. He shakes his head no. We start walking past the food table. "Do you want something to eat?" i ask. He shakes his head. i grab an m&m cookie and start walking again. "here" i hand him a piece which he takes it saying thanks. "you know I got to live with the president" i whisper to Justin. "Weally!" he says his eyes going big. "yeah. I got to sit at his desk all the time. I use to pull pranks on him too" Justin's eyes are still big. "like what?" "well one time i put glue on his chair and glue down everything in his office. It was hilarious. He got up from his chair and had his hands on the desk. His pants ripped and he got stuck to the desk by his hands." Justin laughed. Not a quiet one but it was a big laugh and everyone looked our way. "what did he do?" he asked. "He made me clean the whole office including the floor. So when i cleaned his office floor i put cleaner on it and it was super slippery to walk on. He walked into his office and fell." We both started laughing. "Did you get in trouble?" He asks. "yeah and now I'm here" i say. "I'm sorry you are stuck with us" He says. "It's Ok I would rather be here with you then at the white house You are so much better. and handsomer" i say tapping his nose. He giggles. We end up where i first met him. I set him down and he tugged me to his level. "Thank you for being my friend. I love you" he says then hugs me tightly. After i get out of my shock i hug him back. "i love you too." I reply. After a couple of minutes we pull away and he sits down on the grass playing with his toys. "I'll see you later JJ" i smile waving. "See ya Nene" he dimple smiles waving enthusiastically back.

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