(Luke) First time meeting him backstage

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*You win back stage passes to a 5 seconds of Summer concert and get to meet the band, what you don't know is when Luke saw you in the front row couldn't stop stating at you*

You show the security guard your back stage pass and he moves aside telling you where to go. You thank him and make your way back stage. As you're walking somebody runs around the corner knocking into you making you fall to the ground, "Oh My god I'm sorry!" A familiar voice gushes as he helps you up, you look up to see Luke Hemmings looking at you making sure you are alright.

"I'm fine." You smile brushing off that little incident, even though your ankle was hurting you told yourself the pain would be gone soon, "So where were you running to in such a hurry?" You ask as you balance all your weight onto your other foot, "I-I was looking for someone, but, if you were the girl in the front row that was screaming my name and dancing about, then, I think I think I found her."

You blushed embarrassed, "Why were you looking for me?" You asked as you messed with the tips of your hair, "because you're beautiful." He smirks making you blush looking down at the ground, he puts his finger under your chin and lifts your head up, "You're even more beautiful when you blush." This made you blush harder, "Thank you." You reply not know what to say to Luke, who is your all time celebrity crush since you found him on YouTube, just called you beautiful.

"So, what are you doing back here?" He asks thankfully changing the subject, you show him your pass, "Going to meet you and the boys, actually." You say making his face brighten, "So, you're the one who won the back stage passes?" He asks, you nod, "Wow, small world." He says biting his lip ring, "Well, let's go, I bet the others can't wait to meet you." He smiles guiding you to their dressing room.

"Luke!" Calum shouts jumping into Luke's arms when he opens the door, this makes you giggle at the Cake moment, you've always said that you shipped Cake more than anything else, "Who's this?" Ashton asks nodding towards you making you feel really awkward and shy, "This is the contest winner." Luke says as he drops Calum and walks over to you putting a hand around your shoulder making you melt inside, "I didn't seem to get your name, wanna tell us?" He asks kindly, "My name's Y/N" you say to him smiling, "Oh I know who you are!" Michael says excitedly, "You're the girl that Luke couldn't stop looking at!" Michael exclaims making both you and Luke blush, "Awwww they're blushing!"

Ashton says laughing, "Would you mind if you signed my posters?" You ask when it all calmed down, "Of course." Calum says grabbing a sharpie off the table and coming over to you Ashton and Michael following behind, you bought the four single posters of each of the boys so they signed their own one each. "Thanks." You say as you receive your last poster back from Luke, your phone suddenly buzzes in your pocket alerting you about a text message, "Oh, one second." You say fishing the phone out of your pocket and opening the text from your mom, sighing, "Well my mom is ready to pick me up whenever." I say shrugging getting ready to leave, "Before you go wanna take some selfies with us?" Luke asks hoping that you will say yes.

You smile and nod making the boys cheer as they all crowd around you, as you take random pictures, just as you were finishing up Luke grabs your phone from you and runs to the other end of the room holding it high in the air, "LUKE!" You shout as you try to jump and reach your phone but it's too high in the air, you pretend to pout and sit down on the couch looking at Luke the whole time.

He brings the phone down and starts typing and messing on it, "Luke.." you say making him look at you, "How did you find out my password?" you ask, he smirks, "I just typed in my name and hoped for the best." he said making your cheeks redden, while Calum, Michael and Ashton laughed, "I'll change it when I leave." You say out loud for no reason, "Don't" Luke says pouting, "It's cute."

"Luke what are you even doing on MY phone?" You ask, suddenly you hear another phone vibrate and Luke takes his phone out of his pocket, "Sending myself a text so I could get your number... and... also rearranging some things." he smirks before finally giving you back your phone, just a you were about to see what he means their manager came in and said it was time to go.

The boys 'cried' as you went to give them goodbye hugs, when you gave Calum your hug he whispered, "I'll see you again, Luke really likes you." into your ear making you blush since Luke was the next person you were hugging and the last, "Goodbye Y/N" Luke says embracing you into a warm hug that you wish you never had to leave, "Bye Luke." You mumbled into his chest sadly, "See you soon?" He asked smiling hopefully you laughed and nodded before going separate ways.

You saw your moms car and jump into the back buckling your seat-belt, "did you have a good time sweetheart?" She asked looking at you from the rear view mirror, "The Best!" You reply as you both drove away from the stadium in silence."Mom, how long is the ride gonna be?" You ask and she informs you have it will be over a half an hour long.

You decided to go through your phone to see what Luke was talking about and maybe change your password to pass the time. After unlocking your phone you giggle to yourself at the background, it was one of the pictures you took with Luke kissing your cheek, while you blushed furiously. You decided to leave it as it is to remind you of this special day.

You go through your contacts and see that you have a new name in,

Luke Hemmo <3

You roll your eyes and decide to text him.

To: Luke Hemmo <3

Love your name on my phone :P thanks for changing my background too!

A few minutes later he text back,

From: Luke Hemmo <3

I know, it's amazing isn't it!! Do you mind if I give the other boys your number so they don't feel left out.

To: Luke Hemmo <3

Go ahead as long as I know you have mine and I have yours xx

From: Luke Hemmo <3

If you lose my number I wrote it on the back of the poster ;)

You guys text each other for the whole car ride and you's were still texting at 3am that morning, until you got really tired and decided to send him one last text.

To: Luke Hemmo <3

I'm gonna go and sleep now Luke, but if you really want to you can text me later on after I sleep xx

You pull the blankets over you and read the last message that luke sends you that night,

From: Luke Hemmo <3

Goodnight Y/N, sweet dreams.

You smile and close your eyes dreaming of you and Luke.

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