The Date

901 44 38

Mikas POV

'AH!! Yuu-chan is gonna be here any second and I'm still not ready!!'

I ran around my room searching for something to wear. I didn't know where we were going so I didn't know know what was appropriate and what was not. I took a deep breath in and heard my phone buzz. I check who it is and see it's Yuu-chan, I nervously read the message.

Hey Mika, I'm on my way
R u ready?

I don't know what to wear since I have no idea where we're going!!

Just wear something casual

Ok, do I need to bring anything?


See you soon!

See ya ❤️

My heart skipped a beat as I stared down at my phone. I finally snapped myself out of it and threw on a white button up and jeans. I put my shoes on and grabbed a jacket just in case it gets cold. I hesitated imagining
Yuu-chan giving me his jacket. I mentally slapped myself and grabbed it. I heard a knock on my door and stuffed my phone inside my pocket.

"Master Mikaela, master Yuichiro  has arrived"I opened the door and thanked the maid.

I carefully speed walked down the stairs and waved at the butler guarding the door.

"I'll be leaving now"He smiled softly at me and nodded his head.

I quickly ran outside and saw Yuu-chan on his phone waiting. He wore a black shirt with some ripped jeans. My cheeks turned pink and I drooled at how great he looked. I took a deep breath and jumped onto him startling him. He spun around and was relieved to see it was just me surprised by my sudden attack. I giggled at his reaction and got off of him.

"Ready?"I nodded and he grinned before grabbing my hand.

My cheeks darkened and slowly I followed him. I wanted to ask him where we were going but I knew he wouldn't tell me. He suddenly made a sharp turn and started to sprint. I struggled to keep up with his speed and stamina. Once we stopped I dropped to my knees panting. Yuu-chan chuckled and helped me stand up again and pulled me inside a nice cozy cafe.

Once we walked inside I immediately loved this cafe. It felt so comforting and warm as if it was home. Yuu-chan led me to a table and we sat down facing each other. I looked around more and everyone who was here seemed happy and at peace. A middle aged woman walked up to us and handed us each a menu. She bowed and walked away with a small smile. I read through the menu and everything looked delicious.

I swallowed the lump in my throat unsure of what to get, Yuu-chan poked me chuckling.

"Not sure what to get?"he asked leaning on his arm.

"Well of course! Everything looks so good so I can't decide!"I whine not too loudly.

"Here I'll help you out"he leaned over really close and pointed at some recommendations.

I blushed deeply and tried to listen to what he was saying. I decided on something after a while and we waited for our orders.

Blind Love (Mikayuu/Yuumika)Where stories live. Discover now