Part 5

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Jasmines PoV

I wake up in an unfamiliar room. I had a bad headache.

I sit up to see a shirtless Shawn on the floor. Sleeping.

I walk out the bed to see a mirror in front of me. I was in what I'm thinking, shawn's tshirt.

My makeup was off and my hair was the same. I pull it out and put it in a messy bun. I search around the room until I see my purse. I open it to find my glasses. I take my contacts out and put my glasses on.

Walking up to Shawn, slowly I shake him awake.

He looked confused at first but then realised who I was.

He yawns and finally speaks,
"How's your hangover?"

"What do you mean? I want to know how I'm here." I scrunch my eyebrows.

He stretches and goes onto his bed.

"I never realised how much I loved this bed. Damn that floor is hard." He says lying down.

"Shawn, please tell me" I whine

"Ok, ok. You got drunk and I didn't know where to take you so I bought you to my house. Now here we are" he says

"Did we.... you know , sleep together?" I whisper the last part.

" No, God no."

" good. How am I in this shirt and with no makeup?"  I say

" well I sort of put the shirt on you and took the makeup off" he says avoiding eye contact.


"shhh, my parents are gonna hear. Besides if I didn't you would of woke up miserable" he says whispering.

He kind of made a point.

"Uh Thanks, I guess"

" you're welcome. Now wait here while I get something." Shawn says running out his room.

10 mins later he comes in with Tylenol and orange juice with toast.

"Sorry it's not a big breakfast. But the pill will help your headache." He says handing it to me.

" thanks" I say grabbing the food.

"Well I'm gonna go in the shower, while you eat that" he says walking towards his bathroom.

I eat my toast and drink the juice with the pill and grab my phone.

I look through my messages and see 5 new messages.

Dad: hi honey, it's late. Are you coming home?
2.57 am

Dad: honey I'm getting worried. Are you okay? Answer.

Becca: your dad texted me. You at shawn's?
3.47 am

Dad: just texted Rebecca and she told me you're safe at hers sleeping. Sorry if I woke you up.

Becca: i texted your dad, I said You're at my house sleeping xx
4.01 am

To dad: sorry I didn't reply, I was just so tired. I'll be home at round 2pm. Love you x

To Becca: thanks girl. You saved me xxx

I look up to see Shawn in just a towel around his waist.

"Uh I'm sorry, I d-didn't know" I say shielding my eyes.

"don't worry about it. " he laughs.

After a good 3 minutes yes I counted he was done.

"You can look now jasmine" he says still chuckling.

I look up to see he was wearing a black jeans and a OBEY hoodie. With his hair still wet.

" Shawn?" I say

"Yep" He says brushing his hair in the mirror.

"I have no clothes besides the one from last night and to be real they're not that comfy.

"Right. Uh you could wear one of my hoodies and one of my pair of joggers." He says looking in his wardrobe.

"Here, go to my bathroom and put this on" he says handing me the clothes.

I put on his joggers and they were big so I tightened the drawstrings. I put the hoodie on which was also quite big.i walk out to Shawn.

"I look ridiculous" I whine.

"It's ok, you look fine."

"Now let me drop you off" he says grabbing the keys to his car.

"You're gonna have to be extra quiet, in case someone hears you" he whispers.

I tip toe to the front door and walk to his car and get in. He follows after locking the door and starting the car.

we drive with music on and I tell him directions to my house.

"Just Park right there" I say pointing to a space right outside my house.

" ok so I guess this is goodbye until Monday" he says.

" Yeh. Um thank you so much. You've been so helpful and I'm acting like a b*tch." I ramble on.

"No, you're actually not a b*tch." He laughs.

" so, are we meant to hug" he says awkwardly.

" uh, yeh I guess" I say leaning in to hug him.

" Bye, And Thanks again" I say opening the car door.

"You need to stop saying thanks" he smiles.

"Bye jasmine" he says before I close the door and run to my room.

I lie on my bed and sigh.

"Ugh, what a morning"

Sorry if this was short :( hope you liked the chapter tho :)

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