Part 23

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I wait outside for shawn's car. 2 minutes later, Shawn pulls up.

I get into the car, luckily it was warm in there.

"Hey" I say. 

"Hey" he responds.

"I'm sorry Shawn, if you were asleep, you should of just said no" I say feeling guilty.

"What? No. I want to help find Jacob. Now, enough of this let's go find your brother" he says before driving.

To be honest..Shawn looked cute. He had messy hair, raspy voice with jumper and joggers he probably chucked on.

We searched what felt like everywhere.
We checked every pub and every park. We checked Alleys and Jacobs friends house.

"Do you have any idea where he could be?" Shawn asks.

"Uhm..I have no idea. Wait..... the bridge" I shout.

"What bridge?" He asks.

"The old red bridge. Ugh I forgot what it's called" I groan.

"Don't worry I think I know what bridge you're talking about"  Shawn says.

He drives towards the bridge, hopefully Jacob was there, if not then we'd have to file a missing report. I didn't want to do that.

Once we arrive I look around but Jacob was nowhere.

"There" shawn Quickly points to the bridge.

Jacob was sitting on the bridge, his legs dangling from the edge.

"Jacob" I shout.

He didn't look up once. There was no choice but to go up there.

"Shawn I'm going up there"I say.

"I'm coming up with you then" he says.

"No, wait here just in case something happens" I instruct.

"Promise you'll be careful" he says.

"Promise" I say before running towards the bridge.

I start climbing up until I reach the top.

"Jacob" I shout.

I finally reach him and touch his shoulder.

"Jacob, please come back here" I beg.

"Why? I'm just a stupid boy who's moms dead" he says sadly.

"Don't say that Jacob" I say with tears pricking my eyes.

"Why? It's true" he says, still dangling from the edge of the bridge.

"Jacob, I've read my letter and I know it's hard but maybe if we talk about it, it will be okay. We could help each other"'I say trying to convince him.

He didn't answer, it was going to be hard. He was 22 and seriously thinking about jumping, I knew he was. He has so much life ahead of him.

"She's right" a voice says coming from behind me.

Me and Jacob both turn. Shawn was standing there, walking closer to us.

"Listen jacob, I know it must be hard. You must be feeling so depressed and it's okay to feel that way. I would be if I was you. But how would you like it if your mom knew about this? She wouldn't be happy would she? She's probably watching down on you right now, hoping you make the right decision. If you get away from the edge, we could help you." Shawn says. Shawn puts his hand out to Jacob.

He doesn't respond but shortly after he thinks for a second and grabs shawn's hand and gets onto the bridge.

I quickly grab Jacob and hug him. We both start crying, which was strange because first of all I'd never seen Jacob cry before and second of all, the crying kind of made me feel closer to him.

Jacob let's go before he walks over to Shawn and hugs him.

"Thank you bro" he says.

"Don't Thank me, you made the right choice." Shawn smiles.

We walk back to the car. Jacob had his own car that he drove here in.

"Jacob, just come in my car and we'll pick your car later" Shawn suggests.

"Nah, i might crash at my friends house tonight" he says.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yeh, I'll be back tomorrow.. bye." he says before getting into his car and driving off.

As soon as he goes I immediately hug Shawn as tight as I could.

"I'm not complaining but, why are you hugging me?"He lightly chuckles.

"Because you're amazing" I say talking into his shoulder.

I finally let go.
"Thank you so much for doing that, I don't think I would of convinced Jacob without your help" I say.

"Jasmine, don't Thank me." He says.

"I will and will never stop" I smile.

"Shawn?" I say.

"Yes" he answers.

"Actually, Forget it. Let's go" I say before getting into the car. He gets in and drives away.

I was going to tell him that I had fallen for him and I loved him but I just freaked out and couldn't do it.

I fall asleep in the car until I feel like I was being carried. I open my eyes and look up to see Shawn.

"Shhh go back to sleep" he says before kissing my forehead.

He lays me on my bed and I open my eyes a little to see shawn's room. Why was I at his house?

I sit up.
"Why am I at your house?" I question.

"Well... your dads at work and your brothers at his friends house so I didn't want you to be alone so i bought you here" He says.

"Ok" I say laying back Down in his bed again.

"Wait" shawn says.

"You can't sleep in those" He frowns.

I was still in my jeans and tshirt.

"Shawn it's fine" I say.

"No. Let me get you something to wear" he argues.

He goes into his wardrobe and pulls out a hoodie and a pair of joggers. Ugh not this again.

"Here, wear this" He Says.

"Okay, close your eyes and turn around" I say.

"Do I have to?" He sighs like a kid.

"Yes, now do it!" I command.

He turns around and I quickly put on the joggers and hoodie.

"Turn around now. I look hideous again" I roll my eyes.

"You never look hideous" he says causing me to blush.

I get into his bed and he takes his shirt off making me quickly close my eyes.

"Why don't you ever warn me?!" I say shaking my head.

"I keep Forgetting" he smirks. He gets into the bed and I quickly close my eyes. I did not want this to get awkward.

"Jasmine" He says.


"I love you" He says.

There was silence for a moment.

"I love you too" I say.

"Really?" He asks shocked.

"Yeh, I love you so much" I smile.

He smiles before he kisses me and turns his lamp off and wraps his arm around my waist. I fall asleep next to the Person I loved and I couldn't be any happier.

Next chapter is last chapter :(

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