Thanked him

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Next day at school, I was looking around if I could see him, just then I heard a voice that said salam as I turned I saw the person I was looking for.

I said “Am really thankful for what you did yesterday Jazakumullahu khairan.
And he replied  "Amin”, it was not really a big deal. By the way my name is Ahmad what is your name? I replied my name is Balkis, nice to meet you. And I left him to go join Phoebe.

At the cafeteria, I saw him talking to Salma. I was surprised that she knew him, after their conversation he then passed and waved me. I did not wave him back but I smiled. Salma ask me “don't you know that Ahmad is my brother “? I was really surprised and said no I didn't know that he was your brother.

I noticed that the other Muslim girl in my class was really furious with me. She never responded back when I talked to her. So I ask Salma why does Noon always ignores me whenever I talked to her. She replied” I don't know why”. I was really
confused because I never fought with her, nor did I try to annoy her. I was really confused.

After school, I meet the meanest girl in the school, Angela. She was trying to pick a fight with me, and she wanted to pull off my hijab again, so I pulled her too and behold it was a wig.

All her friends and the other students were laughing at her, even me my self was laughing, it was hilarious. I noticed she was about to cry and I apologized and said “next time don't try to pull off my hijab again “and then drew Sam's hand, and we went home.

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