Suspicious Activity

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Tsuyu POV

I was stroking Tokoyamis feathers, soft snores coming from him. Then I heard steps in the grass. Fast passed steps. I didn't want to seem like I had noticed and kept stroking Tokoyamis feathers.

The sound stopped and I scanned the area for a trace of anyone. I didn't find anyone and decided to eat my food.

Tokoyami squirmed a but on my lap in his sleep, when his quirk seemed to deactivate. I was not staring at his human face. His jet black hair begging to be stroked as well.

**I think this suits what his human face would look like**

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**I think this suits what his human face would look like**

I giggled to my self at how peaceful he looked sleeping. As if all the cares in the world had left him. We still had a bit of time before hero class, so I decided to rest my head on the back of the tree.

Looking once more at the sleeping Tokoyami on my lap I closed my eyes. Drifting to an uncontrollable slumber.

**Mineta POV**

I was walking to the lunch room and couldn't help but feel angry at Tokoyami. Lucky bird! Getting to lay on the best pair of legs in class, her lap... Gahh! Why do I feel like this! I'm a huge pervert and love women but... I guess I really like Tsuyu.

I didn't realize I had already made it into the lunch room until I had walked into the back of someone. I looked up and saw Midoria rubbing the back of his neck, and Todoroki giving me a death glare.

"Ahahaha sorry Mi-Midoria." I said looking at Todoroki. "Oh it's ok Mineta!" He said smiling at me. I guess he seemed to notice I was upset because his smile was replaced with concern. "Mineta are you ok?" He asked.

I shrugged. "I'm not sure. I just kinda need to think." I walked away not giving him a chance to say anything.

Whats wrong with me. I found my way to the stairs and sat there, left to my thoughts.

Tsuyu POV

Something was going off, waking me from my sleep. It was the ringing of my phone. I looked at the caller ID and it was Mina.

I answered. "Hello Mina Chan." I said. "Tsu Chan where are you and Tokoyami?! Class starts in one minute!" She was yelling through the phone.

I hung up and quickly shook Tokoyami gathering our stuff. "Hurry Fumi, class is about to start." I said helping him up.

He was a bit dazed at first but seemed to understand what had happened. We ran to class, as we made it to the door we saw All Might about to open the door 'like a normal person'. He seemed to notice us she signaled for us to hurry inside.

When we did, everyone's attention was directed at us. We quickly sat down in our respective seats. There was an awkward silence in the class. "I don't like awkward silence." I said looking at my classmates.

Just then All Might bursted through the door. "I am here! Coming through the door like a normal person!" He said with his signature smile.

"Grab your hero suits and gather at the field." All Might said running off.

I grabbed my case and headed for the locker room along with other girls.

Once I began changing I was bombarded with questions. "What were you Tokoyami Kun doing?!" "Yeah why were you guys late?!" All the girls said.

"We were in the gardens. We fell asleep because he had gotten no sleep. Kero." I said zipping up my suit. Everyone stared in disbelief but was soon replaced with laughter. "That's expected of you Tsuyu Chan. Always so forward." Mina said clapping her hands together.

"I guess." I said looking at her.

**I'm super sorry about how my chapters have been taking a long time to come out, and how short they are. Bigger things are gonna happen soon I promise! I'm kinda really sick right now, but chapters will still be coming out. Kero Kero**

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