Stuck With Me

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Okay, so I thought I'd try my chances with a fan fiction about One Direction. Since I'm not British, I don't know what British people sound like. All I know is pretty much loo, flat, bum, etc. So I'm not going to express their British accents. I'm going a bit out of my comfort zone with POV's and a more daring plot. No event in this story actually happened. -hannah(:

Mary's POV

Click, refresh, repeat. I was on One Direction's website, trying to win concert tickets and backstage passes for me and my best friend. There was a contest going on where you wrote a small paragraph on why you deserve the tickets, and people vote on it. The top 3 would get tickets. I was currently number 5, with 189 votes. "Come on, please, please." I was one vote away from number 4, and six votes until number 3. 

It was 1:30am, and I was determined to stay up until I was at least number 3. Refresh. 192. I was in 4th. I went onto Wattpad and sent a message to all my fans saying to vote for my paragraph. I waited, clicked refresh, and smiled. 194. Two votes away from spot number 3. At that moment my mom came downstairs, looking annoyed. "Mary! What in the world are you doing awake? Bed. Now."

I sighed, knowing better than to fight with her. She's been so uptight ever since my dad left us when I was 14. He just up and left, with no warning or reason. It was hard to adjust at first, but that was 4 years ago, so now it doesn't bother me. But obviously that didn't ring true for my mother. To this day I still can occasionally hear her crying in her room at night. 

I grabbed my laptop and trudged up the stairs to my room. Laying in bed, I secretly took out my laptop and turned it on. I was almost 3rd place, 1 vote away! "Please, please." I whispered, refreshing the page again. The contest was due to end at 2:00am, don't ask me why. I frantically looked at the clock. 1:58. Shit. 

I refreshed the page. Where were my fans? 1:59 and 15 seconds. I refreshed one last time, my last hope. No luck. CONTEST OVER flashed neon green on the screen. I shut my laptop angrily, not bothering to see who won. I fell asleep, dreaming about the concert that could have been.

The next morning I woke up, only to see I had 7 missed calls from my best friend, Catelyn. I called her back, wondering why she was acting so urgent. "Hello?"

"Catelyn!" I yelled, "7 missed calls, really?! What is it that you need to tell me right this moment?"

She was quiet for a moment, possibly saving her energy so she could let it go all in one big explosion. "I WON!"

I was confused. "What?"


Now I knew what she was talking about. I went to the website, and sure enough, Catelyn Masters was second place with 205 votes. I was bummed for a moment, that she won and I didn't, but then I remembered- she could take a friend! "OHEMGEE!" I screamed.

"I KNOW, RIGHT?! YOU'RE COMING WITH!!" Cate yelled into the phone. And when Cate yells, it isn't one of those cute girly yells, but a big, loud, excited yell that made you take your phone away from your ear. 

I squealed and we yelled at each other in excited voices until my mother came into my room, flaming mad for waking her up. I meekly said sorry and waited for her to leave before I turned my attention back to Cate. "So, when is it?" I asked, lowering my voice to what I thought was a tolerable level.

"A month! I'm so excited!" 

I squealed again. "We should celebrate! A night on the town, how about that?"

I could almost see Cate grinning. "Yes, please!" 

That night I picked up Cate. We decided to watch the Fourth of July fireworks first. We lived in Great Britain, and the fireworks were amazing compared to America's, where I had visited the previous Fourth. Afterwards we went to a bar, where we ordered beers.

The night went on, and I forgot about Cate. She had left, hooking up with the bartender. I kept seeing a cute blonde boy, drinking alone. I eventually worked up the courage to go and sit next to him. "Hey." I said.

He looked up. "Hi." I blushed. I absolutely adored Irish accents. He blushed too. "Can I buy you a drink?"

"Of course." I said, failing at my attempt to let him know I was interested in him. Before he got up, I said, "My name's Mary."

He smiled. "I like that name."  I smiled too, before I realized he didn't tell me his name. He came back with two beers, but those soon turned into four, then eight, and pretty soon be were both drunk out of our minds.

One thing led to another, and we went back to his hotel room.  The next thing I knew, I was lying naked on the floor. (<3) I sat up, dazed and confused. I saw a figure in the bed, and I knew what had happened. Not wanting to confront my drunken mistake, I found my clothes and snuck out of the room.

When I got home, my mother was nowhere in sight. I figured she left for work, which gave me pretty much the whole day to tidy myself up and fake a story. 

After I showered I called Cate to see where she had gone. She giggled when I asked.  "I left with the bartender, and we went back to his apartment and--"

"Yeah, I've heard enough." I said, interrupting before things got wierd. 

"So? What about you? How did your night go?"

I blushed. "Uh. Let's just say..same as you."

I heard her squeal. "Oh!" I smiled. "So what did he look like, what was his name?"

"Well, I don't know his name, but he had gorgeous blonde hair and dreamy blue eyes. I don't remember anything else about him. I was too drunk."


I laughed. "Yeah. Anyway, I gotta go clean up. See ya later."

I hung up the phone and thought about my cover story.

Sorry it doesn't have a big, surprising ending. I'm just setting up the plot and introducing the characters in this part. Anyway, comment and vote :) -hannah(:

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