Chapter 3

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Slight trigger warning

The next morning there was a knock on the door and councilor Jim (that's his name) told us to meet him in the lobby ASAP. The other girls that were in my room got dressed and out of the room in 5 minutes. That might seem normal but it took me that long alone to get out of bed. I got dressed and left the room leaving Madison, she "needed to do her makeup", that takes her about 15 minutes so I just put on some mascara and left. As I closed the hotel door I noticed someone next to me closing his door. Finn. I turned around and headed towards the elevators, I heard his pace pick up and the next thing I know, he is standing next to me "Hey Y/N!" woah, he actually wanted to talk to me! "Hey," I said, I'm trying not to sound like a crazy obsessive fan. When we got to the elevators he let me in first and pushed the button. When we got down there was a group of crazy fans blocking the door. I stood in front of him and told him to follow me. I pushed through the crowd and he held my shoulder. When we got through he looked at me as if I was an alien, admiringly curios.

Finns POV

Y/N is so different, she isn't a normal fan, she treats me like I'm a human being rather than a piece of arm candy. We stood there talking until her friend came over, her name was Madison. Jim told us that today we were going to get a schedule and a calendar to know what time we had to be awake. This was turning out to be more like a summer camp. We went down for breakfast and we were the last ones to be seated, there were no spots with 3 seats, but 1 in the corner with 1 seat and another spot in the corner with 2 seats. I thought Madison and Y/N would want to sit together but as soon as Madison saw the seating arrangement she took the single seat. This left the double seater. Y/N looked over to Madison and made a little sad face and Madison just had a smug look and wiggled her eyebrows up and down. Did Y/N like me? I hope so, I'm kinda getting a crush on her.

Your POV

I walked toward the only 2 seats left and Finn pulled out my chair, he was such a gentleman. We all ordered our meals and then Jim started to speak. "Today is the first day of a 2-month program. Yes, we will be going to the park on most days but some days we will be doing activities. Today we need you guys to get comfortable with each other. So we will be doing get-to-know-you games with the person beside you" I looked over to Finn nervously and blushed. "This is your new best friend, this is who you will be with for the whole 2 months," Jim said. I blushed even harder and so did he. Why was he blushing?

Finns POV

2 months together with Y/N? I'm excited but nervous at the same time. That's when I noticed that we were staring at each other. Surprisingly it wasn't awkward... that is... Right up until I blushed. She turned as red as a tomato and looked instantly at her plate. She was so cute, I couldn't stop looking at her. I needed to stop! My face was getting more and more red by the second. I finally looked down at my plate until our food came.

Your POV

Why was he staring at me, am I that awkward that he stared at me for that long after I stopped staring at him? Did I Blow it?

Madisons POV

I was watching Finn and Y/N all breakfast, they have the hots for each other, the best part is neither of them knows it. I was so glad when Jim said we had to be with the person next to us. Not for me though, I am stuck with a weirdo. I swear he is always picking his nose. I'm just glad that the 2 lovebirds are together for the summer. After breakfast, we headed to a room. A really big room with a stage at the front. I saw Y/N and Finn walk behind Jim and I followed my partner. He told us the activity and sent us on our way.


Jim told us the game we were playing. To summarize we have 30 seconds to ask as many questions but the other person doesn't answer until after we were done asking, and then they have 30 seconds to answer all of the questions that we asked. After this, we would have to go on to the stage and say 3 neat things about the other person. I was asking questions first. When he said go I started to fire off questions "what is your favorite color? What is your favorite food? What's your favorite show? Who is your celebrity crush? If you were stuck on an island with only 1 book which book would it be? What's your Hogwarts house? Favourite movie? Cake or cupcakes? Ice cream or milkshake?" "TIME," said Jim cutting me off. "Ok, are the answer-ers ready!" He said "GO" that's when Finn started answering questions but not the answers to the questions I had asked. I didn't really understand anything he was saying. "Wait," I said cutting him off. "tell me 3 things about yourself that you think I should know."

Finns POV

3 things I want her to know... hm... well, I want her to know that I really like her... but that won't go over well. A famous person liking someone like her. No way! She would be plastered all over the news. She didn't need that ... "my favourite food is Poutine" I said. I want to get to know her so bad but before I could even think about telling her I like her I need to know more things about her. "I don't like bananas" what the heck. Why would I tell her such a useless fact? " I have really bad anxiety" AHH! That was probably more than she needed to know. It's not exactly a secret but announcing it like that is weird.


I knew he had anxiety but I've never met someone so open about it. " My best friend had anxiety," I said. " how'd she deal with it?" he said. Oh god. I shouldn't have mentioned her. I haven't talked about her it happened. "Um, she didn't," I said. I don't really want to talk about it, but there's no way I can stop the story now. "She had a shitty life. Her dad was her best friend until he died. When her mom got remarried her stepdad was abusive but her mom didn't know. For a while, she came in with new bruises every day. One day she came in and there was a scar on her wrist. I asked her if that was her stepdad and she said no. She was having really dark thoughts for a while until..." I had stopped. I was tearing up. I didn't want to cry. Why was I crying? Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and Finn looked worried. I couldn't stop crying. He pulled me into a hug. I felt safe when he held me, it was warm and comforting. When Jim came around he saw us hugging and made us stop, something along the lines of fraternization. When Finn released me I was ready to finish my story. Still sniveling I said "One night at almost 2 in the morning, she called me and just said goodbye. I kept trying to call until finally, I got an answer. It wasn't her though. It was a police officer. He explained that she had taken her life." I started to cry again and shoved my face into my hands. Jim came around again and asked Finn why I was crying. He just said that I told Jim a really personal story, then he took my hand. Again I felt safe.


Thanks for reading. I'll try to keep it as upbeat as possible for now on. Just trying to get some character depth. Keep smiling! The next chapter is super cute! I swear! 

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