Shadow Play

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As daylight wanes, the shadows growing on Dr. Roy's blue walls make the office feel surprisingly spooky. Suddenly, I wish he'd turn on a light.

At his polite request, I recount what happened the night of the seance, including the strange events leading up to Jerry's attack. I also explain the grimoire's strange history.

"I believe my mother's book was the catalyst that night. Dylan and I want to know what we're dealing with. How can we find out who, or what's, causing these violent manifestations." Dr. Roy listens carefully and only interrupts to ask about the grimoire's origin.

"So your mother created the book?"

"She did, but it's possible she had a roommate in college who contributed to it."

Dylan looks surprised. "Lizzy, you never told me that."

I shrug, "I'm sorry, but I didn't think that detail was important." I look at Dr.Roy. "Until now."

The doctor makes his own conclusion, while Dylan and I talk. Putting the sea glass down on the table, he leans forward.

"Your mother's book is more than a grimoire, Elizabeth. It's a book of powerful spells." I notice a gleam in his eyes as he speaks. I silently wonder if Madam Regina shared information that the book was cursed with him.

"Where is your mother's book now?" For some reason, I'm reluctant to tell Dr. Roy the grimoire's exact location. I want to understand its purpose, before anyone convinces me to move it from the hiding spot in the rafters of the house.

"I've placed it in a secure spot that's out of the way." I'm uncomfortable for a minute, recalling the shadowy smoke I saw during my morning visit to the attic.

"As long as you're sure it can't be used by demonic entities to enter this world to harm anyone." His gaze penetrates me as if he knows I'm not being totally honest with him. I feel momentarily uncomfortable. He is like a magician. I feel completely exposed. As if he's reading my mind.

Effortlessly, Dr. Roy's voice changes becoming kind and fatherly and my suspicions seem unfounded.  I try to shake of a feeling of panic. If we're going to sort this out, I really shouldn't be paranoid. Madame Regina did refer him and his voice is relaxing.

"Lizzy, to help you sort this out, I'd like to put you under a brief hypnosis state. Once under hypnosis, you'll be able to reach out to your inner spirit guides."

"Guides?" Unnerved, my voice rises slightly.

"Yes, entities that help you to access different portals of the Spirit World. Gatekeepers between one dimension and the next. They'll help you navigate through the Spirit World, safely."

Dylan interrupts. "I don't think Lizzy should be making her subconscious vulnerable to the spirit world. She doesn't know how to protect herself yet."

"Don't worry, Dylan. She'll be in good hands. Guides have the ability to not only protect you from travelling too deep into the spirit world, they also protect you from negative entities and spirits." Dr. Roy turns back to me. "Would you be comfortable if I put you under hypnosis, Elizabeth?"

"I will be, as long as my boyfriend can stay with me." I glance at Dylan, who nods at me encouragingly.

"Of course. If you're uncomfortable at any time during the process, we'll stop immediately." I feel the tension in my body subside and I try to relax.

He takes a tray from the a side table. There are dried herbs in a silver cup on it. "What are those herbs for?" I'm curious about the hypnosis tools he's using. The whole thing looks like a fancy tea service.

Dr. Roy picks up the first herb. "Sage to banish negative energies." Then he points to the other two herbs. "Bay leaves to increase psychic power, and finally, chamomile which reverses hexes." He crushes the herbs sprinkling them into the cup, then strikes a match releasing a smoky, pungent incense into the air.

"Now, when you're ready, close your eyes, Lizzy."

Leaning back, I close my eyes and try to relax. Dylan holds my hand while Dr. Roy's voice takes on a soothing, rhythmic cadence. "Take a deep breath. Breathe in. Now out. Breathe slowly. Good."

The chamomile scent soothes my nerves. Once my breathing becomes slow and regular, he continues. "Elizabeth, I'm going to count backwards from ten. When I reach ten, I want you fall into a deep state of relaxation. Imagine you're holding this silver cup in both of your hands." I hear him place a lid on the cup and then feel him place the cup in my hands and gently closing my fingers around it.

I sit back and relax listening to Dr. Roy's voice. After a few minutes, I feel like a leaf floating on a calm pond. The office sounds fade and then there is only silence.

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