The Fury

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Chaos reigns, as Stanford flings Danielle's flaming body off of him. Her screams mercifully stop after he shoots her writhing body, but the booming disembodied laughter continues ringing through the room.

When I look up from my crouched position on the floor, I see Stanford attempting to flee from the room. He heads for the exhibit's exit, clutching the red dragon pendant to his breast as if for dear life. He skids to a health when the old hag from my hypnotic trance appears and blocks his path to the door.

"You thought you could outsmart me didn't you." Kali the Destroyer advances into the room and angrily rounds on Jason Stanford. Her taloned hands point accusingly at him. "You thought you could cheat death like Vladimir did and rule this planet." Kali's eyes gleam with rage, "Well I have news for you, minion." Her bony fingers reach for the pendant that Stanford desperately clasps to his breast. "Payback's a bitch! Your protective spell won't hold for long." She starts chanting, a harsh guttural sound, in an ancient tongue that hurts my ears.

A sudden roar erupts like a forest fire as the Fury, Kali conjures, arrives as a pyric phantom. The floor melts like molten lava where the fiery figure walks.

Behind the maelstrom, I see Connor's face, white as a sheet, appear in the hallway. "Connor, we need help getting out of here."

"Lizzy! Dylan! This way." He frantically gestures  for us to follow him to safety, but a molten lake of lava separates us from the door.

"Hold on." I scramble to grab the grimoire before it's engulfed in the volcanic liquid.

"Hurry!" Connor, shouts.

The Fury and Stanford are locked in a horrible dance of death. The pendant must be keeping him from burning alive as he fights to escape the fiery arms entwining him. The flames surrounding the two of them grow hotter. For some reason the sprinkler system hasn't been activated, despite the fire's blasting, furnace like heat. As I untie Dylan, I have no idea how we're going to escape from the inferno. We both start coughing as sweat trickles down our faces. The room's temperature rises as the fire sucks oxygen out of the air. In the hallway, I hear glass smashing. A moment later, Connor arrives with a fire hose. When he pulls back the brass lever, a torrent of water hits the molten lava. The gushing water parts the fiery element like Moses did the Red Sea.

I help Dylan to stand and then taking a deep breath, we cross the floor dancing as if we're running over a bed of hot coals. On either side of us a fiery gauntlet looms. "Is all of this real?" Smoke billows out into the hallway, as a ringing fire alarm answers my question.

Dylan shouts, "Look Out!

Amazingly, Stanford, his face horribly burned but still alive, runs out of the fiery Pagan Exhibit Room. I hear his screams as he escapes down the hall. "Fools, you know nothing of the forces you've unleashed!"

 "Fools, you know nothing of the forces you've unleashed!"

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Dedicated to "Rocky" our new family addition. The little love bandit rescued from the Texas flood has already stolen our hearts!

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