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Yayyy we are back again in paris" i shout in pure pleasure, before i don't want to come back but like people say when you start living somewhere then the place become your everything that's what happen with me. I always love paris and today when i come out of Airport and the first spat of air touch my face i feel blessedness of god to be back in this city.

When i was all alone fighting with myself then this city gave me a reason to live my daughter birth, My daughter first b'day and i get my shivaay back in this city only.

"As much as Mumbai snatch from me and that much paris gave me" This place is really dear to me.

Anika, are you planning to stare this city like this whole day or coming home too" As i am admiring my city but shivaay interrupted my admiration .

Yeah coming" i replied curtly and move with him.

As i seat beside him in car, the car move and right now paris have potential to pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically of any person. It's winter and christmas time, the people are trying to clear the snow on roads and the beautiful sights of small childs running in parks giving a sense of happy satisfaction or enjoyment.

You are saying that you don't want to come here but right now looking at your face i can say how happy you are, then why are you saying No to coming here" shivaay questioned me, As i am admiring the view of paris breaking my gaze.

You know what paris has always been special to me and i always want to come here but other side i really don't want to be the reason of your parting away from your family and moreover i also want to experience living in a family but paris is paris and you are here sitting with me and our daughter everything because of paris that's why i always love this place" i replied while shifting my gaze outside the window and shivaay start driving car again.


What the hell are you doing, why the hell i plant you in shivaay Anika life that's because i want you to separate them and kill Anika but here you are enjoying in mumbai and that men shivaay singh oberoi flew away taking his wife and child with him" i shout on phone irritatedly that person can never do anything properly.

Look i did whatever you said and just because you said that's why i went away from their life and now you are scolding me. What the hell you think you think of yourself" The voice come from other side and i burst.

I am your boss and i have right to do whatever i want don't you dare to talk to me in this pitch and listen what i am saying ____(silence)" I send my message, Now no one can save Anika shivaay singh oberoi. You have to come back to me only now....


Shivaay please open this little shit black piece of cloth from my eyes, i want to see where we are, you know i can't held so much surprised in my life". Anika shout cutely and i chuckled at her antics, i mean how can anyone look so cute.

Wait for sometime Anika, we are already here" i replied and enter in our new house, i bought for Anika only when we were in india.

I open the piece of cloth from her eyes and the expression on her face is worth to watch.

Shivaay how can, i mean i want to buy this house but how you come to know" she said in surprise and excitement happiness what not and i am just looking at her lips who is smiling like heavens down on earth and for this smile i can do anything.

But shivaay how you come to know tell me please, shivaay" she whined in excitement.

Before i could reply a sound come from behind.

"Because i tell him"

And turning i can say , she is shocked to see the girl standing in front of her and what i expect from her that's what happen...

Mallikaa you here" she shout and hug her tightly.

Anika love for paris....
So selena plant someone in shivika life as their well wisher but that person is villian ....
Mallika come back in story of shiika.....

I hope you all are satisfied with this update please give your review on this.....

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