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"Anton, our clan, is on the verge of extinction," Anibal said. "We must do something about it, Anton, you are the clan leader."

Anton stared at the wall. "What can we do? We did everything, and nothing worked."

"How about finding a suitable wife for you?" Anibal said. "Someone who will give you a son, an heir."

"I don't wish to marry," Anton said. "But if that what it takes to keep the clan safe, then so be it. I'll leave that task to you, Anibal."

Anibal nod and watched his older stand and walked out the door. Anibal didn't understand why Anton was so soft and carefree. He is always trying to do things right, even when it comes to their clan.

"Older brother leadership is weak," Alton said. "What should we do?"

"Find him a wife," Anibal said. "He should marry first."

"It's about damn time," Alton sighed. "I wish our parents were alive to see this."

"Yeah," Anibal stood and looked out the window. "Now we have to find a suitable wife for him. Someone who will be able to breed easily and comes from a decent family."

"But who?" Alton frowned.

"Erica, she will do," Anibal said. "Her father and ours knew each other. She's decent and comes from a wealthy bloodline."

"If you say so," Alton said. "I just hope that big brother likes her."

"There's no need for love," Anibal stepped out and stood in the doorway. "Love is for the weak. Our priority right now is to maintain our clan."

Their clan is on the verge of extinction. And Anton won't allow it to die off.

Anton sat under a pine tree staring at the sky. He didn't wish to marry, but as the clan leader, he must. He wanted to marry for love, but it seems that it won't be possible. Anton will have to endure it.

He sighed and closed his eyes. He wished that his father would've had picked Anibal to be the leader instead. He's more suitable for it. But it is always the elder brother who gets the leadership, which sucks really, bad. All everyone cared about was the clan. Well, he cares too, but not as much as everyone else. Anton wonders who will get picked to be his wife; it better not is Erica; she's too clingy and needy, always thinking she's better than the others. Thought knowing his brother, Anton is sure it'll be Erica, what luck.

Well, he should enjoy the little freedom he has left. As he sat there, leaning against the tree, he began to doze off, but a scream shook him out of his sleepiness. He quickly stood up and ran toward the screams. He was worry it made be one of his people.

But as he approached, he started to sense them they weren't from his clan; they were humans. Anton climbed a tree and hid. From up here, he could see everything below.

"Your father hasn't paid for the damage done to my crops!" A bald man yelled. "Those damn goats ate everything!"

"It was an accident," the girl said. "We already settle this; he doesn't have to pay you anything. It wasn't our fault. It was yours for leaving your gate open."

"I don't care!" The man gripped the girl's arm tightly. "If I can't get something in return for the damages. Then I'll have to act, and take some drastic measures." The man licked his lips and slapped the girl.

The girl fell and held her cheek. She had a faint cut on her bottom lip. The girl looked up and saw the man undoing his trousers.

The girl darted back, trying to get some distance between her and the man. The man knelt and grabbed her ankles, and tugged her down.

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