2: Dinner for Six

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Evelyn hum as she cooked.

"Is she alright?" Eliana whisper. "She woke up very early and has been in the kitchen all day, cooking and baking."

"It's for our guest," Grace said. "Though she doesn't want to tell us who it is. So we'll have to wait until later at noon."

"Oh, I see," Eliana smiled.

Evelyn smiled and pat the dough. And sprinkle a bit of flour. She wants everything to be perfect.

Anton sat in his chair listening to the elders speak about his wedding with Erica; it's decided that he would marry Erica. And the news has been spread. Erica was ecstatic. Already making plans and making her dress.

"Anton, do you agree?" Anibal said.

"Hm," Anton looked up. "What was the question again?"

Anibal sighed. "That the wedding should take place at the end of the month."

"Yes, sure," Anton stood up. "Since that's decided, I'll leave the rest to Erica and her family. They'll prepare everything. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have things to do." He walked out, leaving them in the meeting room.

"Where is he going?" One of the elders asked. "We aren't finished yet."

"I don't know," Anibal sighed. "We only needed him to agree to that. So I suppose we can do the rest. Just let him be, his trying to enjoy the little bit of freedom he has left. After he's married, he'll start behaving." At least he hopes so.

Anton looked up at the sky. It was already noon; he must hurry up. He's already dressed for the occasion. As Anton made his way to the river, he was feeling a bit anxious. It would be the first time he will be in the presence of humans. He'll be extra careful and always on his guard.

When he made it to the river, Evelyn was already there, looking as beautiful as ever.

"Sorry if I'm late," Anton said. Evelyn turned around and smiled.

"It's alright, don't worry about it," she said. Anton crossed over, careful as to not fall in the water. "You only a few seconds late."

He smiled. "Shall we go then?"

"Yes," she grabbed his hand. "Come on." He wasn't expecting that she has the softest hands, and they look so delicate. "My family don't know I'm bringing you. I didn't tell them because they would've had asked me various questions. So I'll introduce you to them one by one. Just a little warning, I have three sisters."

He chuckled. "Don't worry; I have two brothers. I can understand how you feel."

"I see," she smiled. "Well, I'll tell you about my sisters. Grace is the eldest, and will probably ask you many questions. She is like our mother. She's very protective of us. Then there's Eliana, the second eldest; she is more clumsy and may drop something on you. Stay clear of her. Finally, there's Skyla; she is an honest person. She will be sincere and will destroy you. I mean, she will cut your self-esteem in half." She giggles. "My sisters are unpredictable; I can never catch up to their personalities. I'm always trying to fix them, but they can never change. And I'm fine with that."

"And you are?" Anton asked. "Your personality, I mean."

"I'm the one who always tries to solve our problems," she let his hand go and fiddle with the ribbon in front of her dress. He felt alone now that they weren't holding hands. He wanted to hold her hand again. "Like that day, you saved me, that man was trying to get something for the damage done to his crops. You see, Eliana accidentally let the goats out, and they wander off. So by the time we gather them, they had already wondered into his crops and ate them. But he should've had closes his gates, which he didn't. In a way, it's our fault as well." She sighed. "We apologize and made amends by giving him some of our eggs and one pig. But that wasn't enough. He had come over to talk to my father, but he wasn't home a the time. And my sisters were out doing their chores. So I went with him. I assume he just wanted to talk. But I was wrong. That's the thing about me; I can easily trust a stranger." She laughs nervously.

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