14: Angry Erica

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Evelyn helped filled the baskets with fruits, bread, and cheese. Along with some water.

"This should be all," Bob said. "You take care, and remember, don't wander off."

"I know," Evelyn kissed his cheek.

"Anton should be here soon," Bob looked around. "Oh, there he is."

Anton ran over. "Sorry for running late. I and to tend to some stuff." Anton smiled.

"It's alright," Bob smiled. "Now that you're here, I can leave without worry. Please take care of my daughter."

"I will," Anton said. "You may go in peace. I'll watch over her and the farm. And I'll keep on eye on that fence."

"Thank you," Bob said. "Grace, Eliana, Skyla, let's go."

"Coming," Grace walked out. With Eliana and Skyla following behind.

Anton helps them get in the back of the carriage. "Have a safe journey."

"We will," Bob got on. "See you in three days." Bob waved.

Evelyn waved back. Once they were out of sight, Anton grabbed her and kissed her. Evelyn giggled and kissed him.

"So, what do we do today?" He asked.

"Well, we have to feed the animals," she said.

"Than let's go," he pulled away. "The sooner, the better."

Evelyn nod.

They were going to be alone for three days; anything could happen within those three days. Evelyn needs to be careful.

Anton and Evelyn spend the day feeding the animals. "Got it!" Anton yelled as he held the rooster. "His agitated. Hurry up the coop, he pecking my hands."

Evelyn opened the coop gate. "Here you go. All done." Anton shook his hand. "Oh, what happened to your hands?" She asked and held them. "You have smaller cuts."

"Yeah, I fell against a bush that hard thorns," he lied.

"Oh," Evelyn kissed his hand palms. "Be careful next time."

He kissed her head. "Let's go inside."

They headed inside. "I'll make something just for the two us." Evelyn grabbed some potatoes and began to feel them off. Anton helped her.

Anibal sat on the chair, looking through some paper. He has to concentrate. But it was impossible when all Anibal could think of was Eliana and her scent. No matter what he did, he couldn't get rid of it. It seems branded into his skin.

"What's wrong with you?" Alton asked. "You seem annoyed."

"It's nothing," he set the paper down and ran his hand over his face. Rubbing his eyes. "I'm just worried about Anton being alone with that girl."

"It is only for three days," Alton said. "We could always go there and keep them company."

"No," Anibal fiddle with a coin. "We would only anger Anton. Let trust that he won't do something stupid."

"You can't come in here like that!" Andre yelled.

"I can, and I will!" Erica burst in, looking angrier them before "Anibal, I need to talk to you."

"Than talk," Anibal said.

"You need to knock some sense into Anton," Erica said. "He can't marry a human. It's not possible. He is putting us all in danger."

"You just want to marry him," Anibal said. "Look, if I do anything that goes against what he wants. I'll be the one paying the consequences. And to top it off, Elder Chiyo is supporting Anton." Anibal flips the coin around. "So as you can see, there's nothing we can do. We just have accepted Anton's decision. And I suggest you don't attempt anything stupid because the consequences will be terrible. You could lose your life."

Erica glared. "I won't let this go, Anton humiliated me. How dare he do this to me? Anton will pay for what he did to me. I swear it." She said and stormed out.

"You think she'll do something bad?" Alton asked.

"This is Erica we are talking about," Andre said. "Of course she will. Erica is capable of anything. So we have to be careful and warn Anton. For all we know, she could go after the human girl and her family. And then there won't be anyone to stop Anton rage if something happens to them. You saw how he responded to Elder Hon threats. He broke that chair like it was nothing."

"We know," Anibal sighed. "We must keep Erica away from the farm. Make sure she doesn't follow Anton or us there. Either way, she will find another way to get there. So watch her closely if you see her doing anything that puts us in danger. Lock her up. And we'll let Anton deal with her."

"Anibal," Alton looked at him. "Why are you wrinkling your nose? Do you have an inch or something? You have been doing that often. It's starting to be a permanent thing."

Anibal wasn't aware he was doing that. "It's nothing, I just been smelling oranges. I can't get it off me. And it's starting to irritate me. I'm starting to hate oranges."

"You too, huh," Andre sighed. "You are not the only one; I have been smelling blossoms since I first stepped on that farm."

"So, I am not the only one?" Alton said. "You don't smell cherries?"

"No," Anibal groaned. "You think they did something to us?"

"They are humans," Andre said. "There scents are different from us. It will probably wear off. Just give it time."

Anibal nod. 

Evelyn smiled as she serves Anton his food. "It feels like we are married." She giggled and set the bowl on from of him with some freshly made honey bread.

"Perhaps we could make that happen," Anton said. "Thanks."

"You want to marry me?" Evelyn asked. "Knowing what kind of family you'll be joining?" He chuckled.

"I'm already used to your sisters," Anton said. "Of course, I'll wait a little longer before asking your father permission to marry you."

Evelyn smiled. "Okay." 

After there supper, Evelyn cleaned up and went to the bathroom. She undressed and tied her hair up in a bun. Evelyn stepped into the tub and sat down. Smiling, she leans back. The water was very refreshing.

Anton was doing his best not to go in there, but his curiosity was winning. He pushed the door open a bit and peeked in. Anton could only see the back of her head. It took everything he had to no go on there. Anton closed the door and went to the living room and sat down on the chair. Anton doesn't know how long he will be able to hold back. God have mercy on his soul.

Evelyn finished up and stood up. Grabbing a soft cloth, she dried off and stepped out, holding her gown, she slipped it on and wrapped a robe around herself. Evelyn made her way to her room and sat down in front of her vanity to brush out her hair and braid it.

Will they sleep in the same room? It will be fine; there was no one around. Smiling, she checks herself in the mirror. Everything will be alright.





Miss SayaChan

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