5:03 pm - 180129

83 0 0

Doing homework was boring. 

You checked the clock for the thousandth time since you sat down to get some work done. It's already been over an hour and you still had some work to do.

You sighed.

Since you've worked hard for more than an hour, you figured you should take a break. You quickly flipped your laptop open and saw the tab for the chatroom site you've been frequenting for the last few weeks.

mr kookie is online.

Your eyes widened. It was that guy you were chatting with in the morning.

meplus and mr kookie are online.

You quickly clicked on the chatroom that he was in.

meplus: hi again

mr kookie: hey
                        it's u again
                        did u cut class?

meplus: did not

mr kookie: sure

meplus: i was just a lil late that's all
                  what about u

mr kookie: i might've been late too 

meplus: u sound so guilty ;)

mr kookie: maybe i am ;))

meplus: hehehe
                   how's school
                   did u have a good day

mr kookie: it's okay
                        got off school early so i got to hang with the guys for a bit

meplus: i'm jealous
                   i would've left on time
                   except i had to get that teacher who talks a lil too much for last period

mr kookie: that's too bad
                        was it history?

meplus: yes!
                  omg how did u know

mr kookie: my history teacher is like that too

meplus: is it also an old man

mr kookie: yea

meplus: hehehe
                  u in high school

mr kookie: yea
                        what about u?

meplus: yesssss

mr kookie: let me guess

meplus: that's right
                  i'm guessing u r a junior

mr kookie: yea
                        i'm suprised u sleep so late when u r still so young

meplus: i'm a sophomore not a kid hehehe
                  and anyway
                  old people shouldn't be up too late either ;)

mr kookie: haha
                       child, u have to promise me u will sleep early tonight

meplus: sure gramps ;)

mr kookie: good
                       r u doing homework?

meplus: taking a break

mr kookie: oh i'm done

meplus: nerd ;)

mr kookie: haha
                        maybe a little
                        i should go
                        so u can get back to work
                        wouldn't want to distract the young lady

meplus: hehehe
                   thanks gramps

mr kookie: anytime, child
                         talk to u soon

meplus: okayyyyy
                   see u

mr kookie: bye

You spun around to check the time. It wasn't even six yet. You stretched, letting out a little yawn. Your laptop let out a beep, alerting you to some new notification. 

You have a friend request from mr kookie.

You smile, immediately accepting. You moved the cursor over to your friend list and there his name was. 


You could see his profile picture now. Previously, it was just one of the default pictures that the website randomly assigned to people. Now, it showed his face. Curious, you clicked and you were brought to his profile.

You clicked on his profile picture, and couldn't help laughing at it. He looked like ET in the picture! And he was kinda cute too.

You decided to leave him a message.


meplus to mr kookie:
hi gramps. nice pic! ;)

You looked away for a moment to tidy up your desk. Your laptop let out another beep. 

He replied.


mr kookie to meplus:
hey, child. gramps was very popular among the ladies back in the day. u could say gramps was a player.

meplus to mr kookie:
gross! i didn't need to know that hehehe

mr kookie to meplus:
gramps just wanted u to know ;)
anyway,  u should get back to work
u still have homework, don't u?

meplus to mr kookie:
yes gramps
i'll get back to work

mr kookie to meplus:
yea, child. that's good. work hard and get into an ivy league college.
talk to u soon

meplus to mr kookie:
anything for u gramps ;)
see u

mr kookie to meplus:

You saw the green light beside his name turn black from green. He logged out just so he wouldn't distract you from doing homework. Not that you haven't done any. How nice of him.

You logged off as well and put your laptop to sleep for the time being. Since someone had so nicely reminded you to finish your homework, you decided that you might as well take their advice.

You sent a mental 'thank you' to him wherever he was and whoever he was, before getting back to work till Dad called you downstairs for dinner.

Internet Love Affair (JJK Valentine's Day Special)Where stories live. Discover now