3:01 am - 180211

31 2 0

You managed to run off most of the discomfort of lying to Jungkook, but the tiredness weighing down your bones didn't help you sleep at all. You turned and groped around for your phone to check the time. With a groan, you took in the fact that it was already 3 in the morning and you were still failing to fall asleep.

Jungkook had messaged you sometime in late afternoon, while you were still out. You put your phone on silent mode while you ran, so you didn't hear a beep while you were running. The only thing you could hear was the loud drum solos of your workout playlist blaring in your ears.

You still hadn't read his message, but you tempted to now.


mr kookie to meplus:
ah, no worries
i just needed to tell u properly
but i guess calling u wasn't the right thing to do
tell me when u r online
i just have something i want to tell u personally, y/n

You wondered what it was that he had to say. He even called you just to be able to say it. Just thinking about what Jungkook might want to tell you left you feeling even more frustrated. 

You decided to reply to him, just to try and help ease all the unpleasant feelings keeping you awake at this ungodly hour.


meplus to mr kookie:
u'll see it when i'm online
but since this is important to u, let's set a time to talk
is 3pm good?

You lay there with your phone in your hand for a few minutes, hoping that by some miracle Jungkook was awake and could reply to you right then.

The next time you checked the time, it was almost 4. 

You decided to put your phone down and get some sleep.

Internet Love Affair (JJK Valentine's Day Special)Where stories live. Discover now