2:22 am - 180203

49 0 1

You rolled over to the side of the bed, your arm hanging off the edge. You groaned, looking at the pile of papers on the tabs and the tabs still open on your laptop. You still had a lot of work to do, and it was already early Sunday morning. Heck, you didn't even chat with anyone the whole day yesterday. The closest you got to a chat was sending Jungkook an apology message.

You groaned again. 

Great. It was almost 2:30 in the morning and your tummy was rumbling. 

You took your phone and used it to give you some light as you made your way down the stairs and into the kitchen. You filled a kettle up and switched on the stove. While the water was boiling, you rummaged through the cupboards for some instant noodles.


There wasn't any.

You reached out and grabbed an open packet of noodles. Maybe you should cook this instead? You weren't in the mood to make some soup for the noodles so you put the noodles back on the counter where Mom left it.

The kettle whistled. You settled for making a cup of hot chocolate and dumped a handful of mini marshmallows into the mug. You washed the mug and went back up.

You sat back down at your desk fully intending on continuing your research for your paper. When you logged into the chat website, you lost all resolve to do homework.

Oh, Jungkook left a message.


mr kookie to meplus:
gramps just wanted u to know, child. gramps wants u to think positive ;)
and who're you addressing so casually? what's this about calling me 'jungkook-ah'? i'm older than you!
u too, i guess
it's no big deal

meplus to mr kookie:
thanks grand-oppa ;)))
omg sorry i didn't mean it like that
it was a slip of the hand hehehe
sorry i won't do it again grand-oppa

Your laptop let out a beep. It was Jungkook.

meplus and mr kookie are online.

meplus: hi grand-oppa

mr kookie: hey, child

meplus: sorry about yesterday

mr kookie: it's no big deal
                        what happened tho?

meplus: my brother caught me chatting with u

mr kookie: that's all?

meplus: yes

mr kookie: it sounds like u r trying to keep me a secret
                        did u tell min-jun hyung that i'm ur boyfriend for valentine's? ;)

meplus: hehehe no way
                  grand-oppa's way too old for me ;)

mr kookie: sure

meplus: ;)
                  oppa won't let me live it down if he found out i met my boyfriend online
                  u know
                  if i had a boyfriend

mr kookie: yea, u r on the forever single pringle cruiseliner express too
                        i forgot for a second there ;)

meplus: can't blame u cos u getting old ;)

mr kookie: i guess min-jun hyung would be like u

meplus: what do u mean

mr kookie: when u said he's ur oppa no matter what and that u would take care of him
                        sounds like he's the same
                        that's why he doesn't want u meeting strange guys on the internet

meplus: omg r u secretly friends with him or something?
                   that's exactly what he told me when he first found out that i was using this site

mr kookie: maybe ;)
                        might've played his school a couple of times since high school

meplus: u must be from a school that has a strong badminton team huh

mr kookie: we're pretty good
                        but most people don't immediately think of my school when it's badminton

meplus: since u've played my brother u r probably in the same area as me

mr kookie: take a guess

meplus: obviously u live in busan

mr kookie: u take after me, child
                        very sharp

meplus: HEHEHE
                   then i might've seen you around in real life huh
                   in ur uniform
                   after badmintion practice when u r sweaty and gross ;)

mr kookie: hey!

meplus: now that i think about it
                   sweaty badminton boys r everywhere ;)

mr kookie: hey, maybe those guys r ur min-jun hyung's friends
                         besides, u will never know it's me

meplus: i've seen ur profile pic

mr kookie: shit

meplus: swearing in front of kids is bad ;)))

mr kookie: shoot

meplus: hehehe
                   it's not like i'll go and look for u or anything
                   i have way better things to do than stalk old guys ;)))

mr kookie: yea, like sleep
                        it's almost 3 am
                        what r u even doing awake at this hour?

meplus: homework and then a snack

mr kookie: aigo, just go to bed
                         it's saturday when u wake up so u still have time

meplus: whatever u say grand-oppa
                  u should go to bed too

mr kookie: i am in bed, was just going to close my eyes
                        talk to u soon, y/n

Internet Love Affair (JJK Valentine's Day Special)Where stories live. Discover now