9:56 pm - 180207

37 1 2

You practically threw yourself on your bed, towels and all. Maybe the water was a little too hot for you, since you were feeling a little light-headed from soaking in the tub. This is what you get for going after Mom. She always liked the water hotter than you did. 

You shifted and patted the spot where your legs were. 

Ew. It was damp. 

You got off the bed and put on your pyjamas after drying yourself off properly. When you lay down on the bed again, you were careful to avoid the damp spots.


mr kookie to meplus:
[picture attached]
my school is the building circled in red
it's about a ten-minute walk from the nearest subway station

[picture attached]
here's how to get there
oh, one more thing
there'll be a lot of people around the main gate on valentine's day
so take the long way around

[picture attached]
let's meet at the west gate instead
it's only a little further than the main gate

meplus to mr kookie:
thanks, grand-oppa!
i didn't know u were in the same school district as me ;)
pretty sure i've seen sweaty badminton gramps hanging around before hehehe

mr kookie to meplus:
which school do u go to?

meplus to mr kookie:
guesssss ;)

mr kookie to meplus:
let's continue this in the chatroom

meplus to mr kookie:
meet u there thennnnn

meplus and mr kookie are online.

So Jungkook was in the same school district as you. You wouldn't have guessed it. It felt both weird and nice that someone you got along with from the internet was actually so close in real life. The fact that his high school was the boy's school just one subway station away from yours was a small shock.

You rolled over to lie on your side.

Have you seen Jungkook in real life? 

You've seen his various profile pictures where most of his face could be seen. He was cute. Surely you would've noticed if you've seen him in person, right? Well, maybe not you but So-yeon would've. The two of you have bumped into many groups of sweaty badminton boys on many occasions and she'd hadn't pointed out any boy from his high school. Which was weird. His school was known to have many handsome guys.

meplus: hi grand-oppa ;)

mr kookie: hey, y/n
                        so which school do u go to?

meplus: no i told u to guess 

mr kookie: well, give me a hint

meplus: the school's student council president is famous for his good looks

mr kookie: what?
                        is his name park jimin?

meplus: omg bingo!

mr kookie: girls from ur school r scary
                         they tried to follow him home a couple of times

meplus: u know jimin sunbaenim

mr kookie: yea, he's a childhood friend
                         what a coincidence
                         i've been there a couple of times and i didn't see u      

meplus: u don't even know what i look like hehehe
                  unlike u i don't put my face on display on the internet ;)

mr kookie: fair point
                        since ur school is nearby, i can just meet u there

meplus: nooooo
                  i want to show up and give u the fancy chocolates
                  and then i want to watch u brag ;)

mr kookie: i see u're still serious about that

meplus: yes!
                  plus i get to see u wearing ur school uniform ;)

mr kookie: u like that kind of thing?

meplus: not really
                  but ur school is the closest boy's school to my school
                  so it's a popular choice for boy shopping hehehe

mr kookie: that really doesn't sound flattering at all
                        ur school has more boys than girls tho

meplus: lots of them r taken
                   and those who aren't r problematic for me
                   even if oppa or the idea of him didn't scare them
                   i scare them

mr kookie: but busan girls r known to be cute

meplus: if it wasn't obvious
                   i'm more like a busan man than a busan anything

mr kookie: that sounds interesting

meplus: what

mr kookie: girls usually like to sound cute

meplus: u're making fun of me right now aren't u

mr kookie: no, i'm not
                         i've not met a girl who isn't interested in being cute

meplus: that's assuming i don't want to be cute

mr kookie: well, do u?

meplus: i'm still a girl so yes i want to be cute
                  but i'm also my brother's sister so i want to be scary too

mr kookie: scarily cute?

You sputtered. 

This Jungkook was too much. First, he did that thing where he copied you and told you that you can find someone who likes you. Now, he's doing this... thing. This thing. Where he's not exactly calling you cute but it sure sounds like it.

meplus: yesssss ;)

mr kookie: haha
                         i think u're just fine

"Oh, shut up, Jungkook oppa," you whispered into your pillow with some anger and even more embarrassment than anger.

meplus: of course
                   i got it from u after all ;)

mr kookie: haha

You needed to get out of this conversation before this Jungkook says any more stuff that embarrasses you. 

meplus: i'm beat from training today
                  so i'll talk u to soon grand-oppa

mr kookie: oh, rest well
                        use muscle patches if it still hurts tomorrow

meplus: yes grand-oppa
                   u should go to bed too

mr kookie: i'll sleep after i finish up some homework
                        night, y/n

Internet Love Affair (JJK Valentine's Day Special)Where stories live. Discover now