My Name Is Y/n

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A/N: (DISCLAIMER) I do not own South Park, characters, or any art, the story is mine and ALL OF YOUR CHOICES MATTER SO CHOOSE WISELY. ENJOY!!

(Will be stuck on your POV only)

"Y/N! Get the last of the boxes!" My mom yelled. I groaned and grabbed the last two boxes from the truck. They were really heavy and I couldn't see that much because of my height. So I stumbled across the steps of what will be my new house. As I was doing so I tripped at the last step dropping the boxes. Luckily they didn't spill out because of the tape.

"O-oh hamburgers! Are you okay???"
I heard a boy's voice, I looked up to see a young blond haired boy with worried blue eyes. He held out his pale hand which I smiled brightly and took his hand. It was clammy but I didn't mind, that much.

"Thanks! I'm Y/N by the way." I smiled at him while taking one of the boxes I dropped earlier.

"I'm Butters! Say, you need any help?" He asked pointing to the other box on the floor.

I nodded and led him towards my new room to lay down the boxes. I turned around to see him struggling to get up the stairs in which I helped him.

"Thanks for the help Butters!" I grinned as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Oh gee, it was no problem really. Are you going to be going to school tomorrow?" He twiddled his hands which I found extremely cute.

"Yeah, so I'm glad I'll know at least one person when I get there! Well see you later Butters!" I waved him off.

"Yeah! I'll see you too Y/N see ya!" He walked out as I looked over the wave of boxes that filled my room. I sighed and started to unload the boxes.

1 hour later

"Alright so how much is left?" I said to myself scanning the room. I just had one more box left and smiled. Unpacking it, I flopped on my bed feeling accomplished.

"Y/N! You hungry?" I heard my dad yell. I then remembered why I was there in the first place and furrowed my eyebrows.

"NO IM GOOD!!" I yelled back grabbed my phone from your nightstand. I missed my old friends, my old life. Having to move because of my stupid military family. I looked out into my window right beside my bed. Looking out at all the kids your age playing around. I couldn't get a good look at their appearances because they were in fun looking costumes. I smiled to myself wondering what it would be like to play with them.

I then took a glance at my phone and...

A- go on your phone and text your old friend(go to part 2)
B- go outside and get familiar with your surroundings(go to part 4)

Choosing (Stan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now