Part 56

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I decided not to ask, I figured it was none of my business anyway. I turned back and rested my head in my hand.

"Looks like Stan is at it again..." I overheard Kenny say to Kyle and Cartman. I decided to eavesdrop.

"Hm? Oh yeah I still don't know why he does that still." Kyle chuckled.

"Probably just being a pussy again, why throw up to show love?" Cartman's voice popped in.

Wait what did he just say?

Questions formed in my mind I couldn't help but ask.

"Wait what did you-" I was interrupted by the door opening with Stan wiping his mouth. The bell rang and all the other students sat down and faced the front.

I never got to ask my question but maybe I'll figure it out later.

One boring class session later~

The bell rang for lunch and all the other students, including me, screamed in happiness running out of the class.

I managed to not get trampled and met up with my 3 new friends. Unfortunately my 4th new friend and crush was talking to Wendy.

I clenched my fists staring, I turned my head back noticing a red-haired boy smirking at me.

"Why were you staring?" Kyle said to me which made Kenny and Cartman raise an eyebrow at me.

I avoided eye contact and started to blush madly.

"I-uh w-was just observing...." I stuttered I couldn't think straight. All I could think about was-

"Oooo! I think someone has a wittle cwush on MMHP!!" Kenny muffled loudly but I pulled his straps tightening his hood to block out the last part.

I covered my cheeks as the 3 were laughing.

"Alright shut up already!!! So what if I do like him? I...I just want lunch." I sighed knowing that Stan wouldn't like me back. Especially with Wendy around stealing him whenever she wanted.

"Well don't give up THAT easily, if you tell him before he falls for Wendy again, he may except and forget all about that bitch!" Kyle said patting me on the back.

"Yeah don't be a pussy sheesh!" Cartman scolded as I glared at him.

"I'm dropping this conversation now like I said before; I. Want. Lunch." I concluded making them nod and quickly change the subject.

Somewhat after lunch~

Lunch had ended and I kept glaring at Cartman for pushing me into Stan as many times as possible.

Stan and I both walked out with red cheeks because of the last shove ended with Stan's hand at my chest. While Kyle, Kenny, and Cartman were laughing to their deaths.

Before we got to class Stan ran to the bathroom again. I took my seat but found a note on top of it.

I looked around seeing only Kyle, Kenny, And Cartman who were talking. Stan walking in class and joining in on their conversation. Then Bebe, Red, and Wendy. I had my suspicions on who wrote it.

Dear Y/N,
Stay away from my man or else I'll make you regret ever moving here!
From, Your worst nightmare.

I nervously looked up to only hear three girls laughing. I turned my head at the noise and scribbled a reply handing it back to Wendy's desk.

You can't tell me what to do but nice try! I'm pretty sure I can like whoever I want. Anyway, thanks for the 'suggestion' but I'm just going to continue living MY life.
From, Do you really need to know??

I giggled hearing their gasps for a reaction. However I couldn't help but feel them staring daggers into my brain.

I ignored best I could and stared at Stan all class. Luckily I didn't get caught, but Kyle did and kept making kissing faces at me.

I replied with my middle finger and heard someone trying to desperately stop their outburst of laughter. I didn't bother to turn to see who it was though.

I think this was a start of a war. With me versing Wendy, the prize being Stan, and of course; that I'm going to win this battle...I think.
It's been 3 days since the war, everything seemed to be going okay.

The project with Craig was going well too, I mean we don't really talk much but we've been working on our project separately. I would do one part and we would exchange and he would do the other part. It was a good system.

The only thing that was not going well was Wendy. Every chance I would get with Stan, she would step in and ruin all of my plans.

"I don't understand what to do! She's always one step ahead of me..." I whined to Kyle who was patting my back. We became best friends and he was trying to help set me up with Stan too.

"Well the good thing is I think he likes you too, but I'm pretty sure he still loves Wendy.." I groaned hitting my head against the locker getting Kenny's attention.

"Hey maybe try going to the football game tonight!" Kenny muffled as I lifted my head from the locker with a sarcastic glare.

"I'm already going num-nugget. But I'm just going to be some bystander in the crowd while Wendy's the head cheerleader!" I said sighing loudly then lifted my head.

"Unless...that's it! Thanks guys! See ya!" I screamed happily hugging both Kyle and Kenny and running off.

"What did we do?" Kyle asked Kenny as he shrugged and walked away.


I went outside looking at my phone. Let's see the game doesn't start until 6 but if I go to their practice it'll just be us! While Wendy and the rest of the cheerleaders are practicing in the gym, it was perfect.

I ran out to the field and onto the bleachers, there weren't a lot of people to begin with, and the team was just practicing free throws. It was pretty boring to watch but if it meant getting something out of it, even a wave, it's totally worth it.

I plopped down near the front looking out at the team practicing looking for one particular player rather eagerly. My E/C eyes widened seeing a football player that looked too familiar to me.

I stood to my feet and made my way down the bleachers as quietly as possible. Finally making it to the fence I froze to see him talking to a coach and then taking the bench. Wait why is he benched?

He put his head in his hands and I sadly watched it looked like he didn't want to be bothered, but I decided to go talk to him regardless...

A- go up and say hi (go to part 25)
B- go up and ask him what's wrong (go to part 57)

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