Part 28

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"Alright Wendy.......calm down I don't want to start anything." I put up my hands in defense I honestly was scared.

"You ain't getting away that easily Y/N! Come fight me you slut!!" Wendy launched herself at me tackling me to the ground.

I screamed as she continued to punch and kick at me. I felt something snap causing me to push her back causing her to scrap the floor. It turned into a fist fight but she ended up on top of me.

"BOTH OF YOU STOP!" I heard Stan yell. I looked at her to see a face of horror.

I was lifted up by Kyle and Kenny who ran me to the nurse. The last thing I heard were Stan's voice yelling at Wendy.

~a few patch ups later~

"So, in short I got my ass kicked didn't I?" I asked as the two boys nodded at me.

"Yeah and your fighting form was all sloppy, don't you know how to fight?!" Cartman came in with a pissed off expression.

I scrunched my nose in annoyance and crossed my arms.

"Yes I actually DO know how to fight! I'm just a lover not a fighter!"

"Well you're definitely a lover..." Kenny said but the sound of footsteps filled our ears.

"Are you okay Y/N?" Stan's voice echoed in the room, I gave a weak smile.

"Ya! I'm okay no need to worry about me." I responded as he pierced me with his worried blue eyes. I noticed Kenny giving a look to Kyle and Cartman.

"Well, hey you see that thing outside?" Kenny said to Kyle and Cartman.

"Oh yeah I wanna see that.....thing..."

"Yeah! Wait what thing?" Cartman said getting dragged out quickly leaving me alone with Stan.

It was silent before I coughed awkwardly.

"So what the hell happened anyway? All I heard yelling and you guys are fighting! What was that all about?"

I gulped, I didn't want to tell the truth but I didn't want to lie either. Even though he deserves to know what happened.

I took a deep breath, "well, in short I bumped into Wendy, she got mad, threatened me to stay away from you, called me a slut, I claimed not to fight, and she tackled me to the ground." I said maybe quicker than I was going for.

"Wait what the last part?"

"She tackled me?"

"No before that..."

"Claiming self defense??"

"Before that......."

"Called me a slut????"

"Keep going."

"....oh! Her telling me to stay away from you?"

"Yeah! That!"

"Well what about it? I thought she was dating you."

"No I know she uses me, but she's better than anyone else here."

"If she's better than anyone else here than I would be afraid to meet the other girls...."

We gave a small smile at one another. Then a question formed that I've been meaning to ask.

"Hey Stan?"

"Yeah Y/N?"

"When we first met, you kept running to the bathroom, you don't have to tell me but what was that all about?"

I noticed his cheeks went red.

"Oh! Uhm....well....I was uhh...."

"Ow! You stepped on my toe fatass!"

"Not my fault! Your foot was in the way!!"

"Guys! SHUT UP!!"

Stan and I slowly glared at the door at the whispering voices heard.

Stan walked up and opened the door to reveal 3 too familiar faces toppled over one another.

"Eavesdropping are we?" I said with my arms crossed as Kyle and Cartman started to fight on whose fault it was.

"What am I going to do with you guys?" Stan said laughing as I joined.

Go to part 31

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