Old Memories

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Everyone was asleep, except for Ajar and Eva who were gazing at the stars overhead.  As they watched, a shooting star passed overhead.  "Look!  A shooting star!  Better make a wish," Eva said.  Ajar chuckles, "Alright, I wish that I could spend this time with you forever."  Eva snuggles closer and Ajar wraps his tail around them.  "Ajar, I know you met my dad, but I never mets yours.  What is he like?" Eva asks after a moment.  "Well, I never really knew my dad.  He abandoned me at a very young age," Ajar answers.

"Oh!  I'm, sorry to hear that," Eva says awkwardly.  "Well, at least I have you," Ajar says, looking into her eyes.  Eva smiles and lays her head against him.  A moment later, her even breathing tells Ajar she's asleep.  Where is my dad anyways? he wonders before falling asleep.

Ajar opens his eyes and sees two shadowy figures leaning over him, one of them achingly familiar.  "He's awake," one of the shadows says, his voice sounding familiar.  "Good morning Ajar," the other shadow says, her voice sounding familiar too.  When Ajar sits up, he realizes that he's in a burrow, as a kid again.  "Come have some breakfast," the second shadow calls from outside.  Ajar slithers outside to where three slices of watermelon were sitting.  "Dig in, before the sun dries it out," the first shadow says.  As the three of them eat, the wind picks up.  The first shadow raises his head and looks behind Ajar.  "Sandstorm!" he shouted in alarm.  Ajar whips around and sees a wall of sand flying towards them.  "Get inside!" the second shadow shouted.  Ajar is bustled inside the burrow, crying in dismay as they left behind the watermelon.

Inside, they listen to the wind roaring outside the entrance to their home.  "We're safe," the first shadow breaths.  Suddenly, they hear a different sound.  "The ceiling!" the second shadow exclaims.  Ajar looks up and sees cracks spreading across the rock.  "It's going to collapse!  Get out! Hurry!" They bound towards the entrance, pebbles starting to fall.  The cracks get bigger.  The first shadow shoves Ajar outside just as the ceiling collapses.  Both shadows are buried under rock as the wind catches Ajar and sweeps him away.  "Mommy!  Daddy!" he calls out as the storm carries him across the desert.

Ajar jolts awake, startling Pitt who was standing next to him.  "Great snakes Ajar!  Don't do that," he exclaims after he recovers.  "The sandstorm, they're in danger, I-" he gasps, struggling to get up.  "Whoa, Ajar, what sandstorm?  Who's in danger?" Eva asks worriedly.  Ajar looks around, unsure of where he is.  "My-my parents," he gasps, beginning to panic.  "Ajar, it's just a dream, calm down," Eva says soothingly.  Slowly, Ajar's panic fades away as he remembers where he is.  Taking deep breathes, he tries to slow his racing heart.  "Ajar, you ok?" Eva asks.  "Yeah, yeah," he breathes.  "Can you tell me what the dream was about?" Eva asks.  "I- I don't think it was a dream, I think it was a memory," Ajar replies, his tension fading.  "A memory?  Of what?"  "I- I think it was a memory of my parents," he says, his voice finally gaining confidence.

Ajar tells them what he saw in his dream, the shadows, the burrow, and the sandstorm.  "You sure it wasn't just a dream?" Michael asks after he finishes.  "No, it was too real to be one," Ajar says.  The group sits in silence, then Ajar speaks up, "Come on, we better get moving, we want to reach the Oasis as soon as possible."  The rest agree and they set off, unaware of the red snake who was eavesdropping from behind a rock.

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