Chapter 1: An unexpected surprise

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A bit of kissing nothing to bad though 
F/n = first name
L/n = last name
S/c = skin color
E/c = eye color
H/c = hair color
H/l = hair length
F/c = favorite color
P/c = preferred color
V/g = video game

That's all you need to know for now~

(Your point of view)
You were walking to the market for your friend Chiaki Nanami.
She was on her period and you knew because yours started the day before.
You were out buying supplies for the both of you, you had a few chocolate bars and pads in your basket and now you were at the video game section looking for the new Mario kart game and your personal favorite v/g
Once you got your things you checked out and started to walk to your house where your friends Tsumiki and Chiaki were waiting for you.
Mayuku was scary at night
"It's okay Y/n, it's okay.." I said to myself trying to convince myself that nothing bad would happsmile I was going about to go through an alley before I heard someone screaming and then a window shattering  into several pieces.
I ran over to checkout what had happened, a boy with blonde hair just jumped out of a window and he was running towards me.
I was in utter shock, how did he jump so far down without breaking something? Why did he jump out of the window? Is he okay? What's going on-
My legs wouldn't move and I couldn't get any noise to come out of my mouth. Then all of sudden a hand wrapped around mine pulling me behind an dark alley.
He put a hand over my mouth before you could say anything and spoke slowly,
"If you want to live, I suggest you not make any fucking sounds.."
I nodded my head and shut my mouth tightly in fear of making any noise.
It was almost completely silent
I heard the voices of men and gunshots nearing us.
"Where's the kid!?" You heard one man yell.
"The footsteps lead this way!" said another man.

(Fuyuhiko's Point of view)
"Fuck.." I mumbled under my breath. I could here the two men that had been stalking me and my clan. I could hear the crunching of footsteps grow closer as well. I looked at the girl who had a calm expression and clenched fists. I didn't even know her and yet she trusted me fully or so it seemed. I looked at her with a sorry look in my eyes,
"Miss... Your probably not going to like this.., but I need you to kiss me.."
The girl's bright e/c eyes widened as she slowly nodded with a surprised expression. She was about two or three inches taller than me but I didn't mind. She slowly closed her eyes and leaned against the wall. You heard the two men come around the corner
"Whose in there!?!"
They yelled and pointed there guns.
I smashed my lips onto hers and tried my best not to make this the most awkward thing in the world. I don't even know how to kiss.. Hopefully this won't end badly..

(Your point of view)
The boy pushed himself against you at the sound of metal and yelling.
Then when the two men finally turned the corner he forced his lips onto mine and was trying to make it look like the two of you were making out.
He obviously had no idea what he was doing.
You decided you were going to help him out with that, instead of all the teeth clacking going on you cupped his cheek with your hand and tilted his head in a direction that would be more comfortable for you and him.
Then you slowed him down to a more even pace, and yet all could think about was how soft his lips were-
I mean what-
Eventually he caught on to what you were doing and he followed your movements and gave you a hum of approval.
A few minutes later you heard the men walking away while saying
"Nevermind..., just some teenagers making out.."
The thought of this made your cheeks heat up.
You had dropped the bag of supplies in your hand which made him stiffen.
Once the noise disappeared he pulled off of you blushing
"Those bastards have been stalkin' me for five fuckin' months now" he said trying to not bring up what had just happened.
He pulled out his phone and started to walk out of the alley, he motioned for you to follow him.
He held the phone up to his ear
"Yeah, Peko can you come pick me up?,"
There was a short silence
"Well.., there was one civilian involved..," his face tinted pink and so did yours, your hormones were everywhere and you were in an alley way kissing a gangster
"Yeah, yeah, I'll ask her," He put the phone down and looked at you apologetically
"What's your name?"
He asked softly
"Ah, my name is f/n, f/n  l/n"
He nodded and held the phone to his ear again
"Her name is f/n l/n"
He said quickly
"N-no she doesn't know anything, she just.., helped me..."
He said and then hung up on whoever he was talking too. You grabbed your bag of supplies and started walking home. Someone grabbed your wrist and spun you Around,
"M-my names Fuyuhiko by the way.., Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu"
He pulled out a card with a number on and handed it to you
"If you ever need help, call this number"
He said then left as a black mercedes pulled up out of nowhere and took him away into the dark night.
It was certainly unexpected, but you surprisingly enjoyed it.
You got to Nanami's house and walked in.
Tsumiki and Nanami rushed over to you with concerned looks on their faces, but all you had was a smile plastered all over your face.

Chapter 1

This was probably so cringy XP
I hoped you enjoyed it though
New chapters are coming soon!
As Peko pulled up she saw her young master talking to a female with pretty h/l  h/c hair.
As Fuyuhiko got in the car he had a weird look on his face
"So Young Master, Do you think that girl is pretty?" Peko said in a teasing voice
"S-shut the hell up!"
Fuyuhiko said quickly
Peko laughed a bit
"As you wish sir" she said with a smile.

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