Chapter 10: We Found Her

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Aha ha
I look pretty good for a dead bitch ❤️

Fuyuhiko and Y/n: She's alive! 👁👄👁

That's right it's me, I'm back.

Now I've prepared y'alls juice, come get it








Just as soon as they arrived an alarm in Kirigiri's office started going off like crazy.
This made the lavender haired detective jolt awake and start pressing buttons insanely fast on her computer.
She then grabbed her phone and made a few calls,
"Kyoko do you know what time it is?..."

"Saihara, round up the boys, I think it's time we go get Y/n back."
She sent them the location of y/n.
Or at least where they were getting the trackers signal.
"Holy shit! Alright! We'll be down at the station in roughly twenty minutes."

About just as soon as that call ended Fuyuhiko and Peko walked in through the doors of the building.
"What impeccable timing you two have."

The two looked at each other then just shrugged.

Kyoko sighed then smiled,
"Are you ready to go get your girlfriend back?"

Fuyuhiko's legs started to shake, with fear? With anticipation?
"What are you saying?"

The detective grinned,
"We might have just found Y/n, Mister Yakuza."

Peko smiled widely, Fuyuhiko wiped his eyes and then furrowed his brows.
"I need to make a few calls."
He may not have been showing it but oh god he was so happy, he felt relieved almost, he wouldn't truly feel relieved until Y/n was resting in his arms safely.

(time skip~)

So as it turned out, Saihara brought down some of his best working officers, Maki, Kibo, Gonta, and Amami, then a few others just so they had numbers on their side.

After Fuyuhiko made his calls they had quite a number of gang members lined up and ready to cut a bitch if given the chance.


They all cheered as a response,

Kyoko gets out some pictures, then points to them for reference as she explains.
"They are keeping Y/n in and underground base, it's under one of the oldest buildings in this city so be careful, our goal is get in and out as soon as possible."

"So that means, If I or she calls for some fucking back up, your sorry asses better jump up and get there as fucking fast as possible."

"Now given, we still don't know how many people are down there and who Y/n's captor is, but what I can say is they most likely don't have patience for sloppy FBI agents screwing around. So be on guard."

They all give a solid "yes ma'am"

"Alright now listen carefully, we will be using the cities sewer systems to get there in and out undetected."
Some groans could be heard from the weaker ones but it was understandable.
"We'll do anything for Lady Y/n! Boss has never been this passionate for love in a long time!"
They all shout in agreement.

"Alright now I want everyone to grab a headset while we load up got it? We're meeting at the city hall sewer opening."

Time Skip along with some dialogue
Basically everyone gears up like told and FBI agents along with yakuza men are I filtrating the base.

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