Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

As I stepped out of the limo, people yelled and screamed my name, or well the name I had here. “Elise… Miss Elise…Princess.” All of these names… these names that I was in fact still getting used to. They were all screaming at me. This was too much to take in at once. I froze.

“Miss, you are already late. We must be on our way. You can admire the crowd later, we must be going.”  Christina said.

We walked up to the palace, which I was now taking in. I had seen this before… in my pictures.

The palace was oddly shaped. It was a circular building, surrounded by many trees, and what I assumed were gardens, that’s what they had been in my pictures.

The palace was a cream color, with brightly colored designs marking the building.

We walked up the front walk, which was lined with small lit paper lanterns; each had its own multitude of colors. Trees hung over the walk, brightly colored flowers lined there roots. Most palaces have steps that seem to reach the sky, this one had exactly 13. (Yes I counted.) The doors were magnificent. They swung open with grace, there iron like appearance gleaming as they opened.

“We really must be moving, Princess. You are very distant. You have seen all of this before, and now it is like brand new.” Christina told me. “I must get you into the doctor when we get home.”

 “Yes mam.” I said.

I had gotten to the point where all I knew was yes mam. It seemed like the only words I knew.

We enter the palace, and the foyer was crowded with people. I didn’t recognize anybody, but they were all well dressed and polite.

I was pushed into the room next to us and into the arms of a young man.

“You look startled… something wrong?” The young man said.

“Uh…uhm…no.” I stammered. I didn’t know what to say to him. I blushed.

“Well we have a long night ahead of us princess, next time please show up on time.”

Rude much…My guess was that this was Prince James.

He was mighty nice looking. He was tall, about 5’10 and slender. He wore a tux that fit him very well. His dark black hair just brushed his eyebrows, and his light blue eyes.

He led me to the ballroom, stopping along the way to greet all these people:

Duke Charles of Queens.

King Lionel of Wales.

Princess Jemm.

Princess Ariel.

Prince Erik who looked at me with a sad expression. It was if he knew something that I didn’t. Of course, that wouldn’t be hard; I didn’t know much in this world.

King Stephen, Prince James’s father.

I sighed. I was so lost in this world. I just wanted to go home, back to the asylum, and sleep. Was that too much to ask?

“Tonight we celebrate the union, of my son, and Miss Elise. Tonight, we celebrate in their honor.” The king started. “A toast…to the future King and Queen.”

What the hell? Please someone pinch me. Please wake me up.

I turned around, and there stood the little woman who had come for me in my cell. I closely examined her. Here she was only a maid. She hustled along serving the people. She saw me and gave a small, sad smile. She mouthed some words to me that I could barely understand.

“Only you can save us. Please.” And with that she turned on her heal and almost sprinted for the kitchen doors. I didn’t know what she meant, but it got me thinking.

Who was I really, and why was it my job to save people?  I don’t even know what I’m doing.

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