Right By My Side

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  • Dedicated to Isaac

I woke up blinded by the light of the sun shining through my see-through curtains. Damn. I knew it. It was all Alyssa’s fault. I sat up, throwing my covers of me. I looked around me. Everything was in the normal spots. Except for something.

“Niall!” I shouted before I could stop myself. The house was silent but I heard someone giggle then storm upstairs. She slammed open my door revealing herself. A tall slender slightly tanned teenage girl. Who seemed to be wearing my and let me exaggerate my clothes. No-one touched my clothes, let alone helped themselves to my food. Except for Alyssa that is. Of course Alyssa could do all that, she was my cousin after all. Except for the fact that I can’t remember how exactly I’m blood-related to her. Oh right, I remember. My mum and her mum are sisters. Haha. What a joke.

Frowning I stood up, walked over to my i-pod which was sitting on its speaker, and pressed play.

Do you ever wonder if the stars shine out for you?

Flows down

Like autumn leaves

Hush now

And close your eyes before the sleep

Played gently through the speakers. I walked right past my lovely cousin, ignoring her completely and walked straight into the bathroom. Startled at my own appearance, I looked away from the mirror and focused on giving my teeth a good brush. Picking up my brush I began the process. After I was done I splashed water onto my face and slammed the door shut. I could still hear Ed singing. I stripped off my shorts which were near to undies and my singlet top. Once satisfied with the water temperature I jumped in the shower and began scrubbing away at my body. I turned the tap off and stepped out. Grabbing my towel and wrapping it around me I walked back to my room. My lovely cousin had left. Thank God.

Houston! I think we got a problem

Some girls are naughty

Some girls are sweet

One thing they got in common

They all got a hold on me

Was playing this time. Conor Maynard. He wasn’t a bad singer. I liked him. After I finished drying myself, I grabbed the first things my hands touched. A pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Duh, what else? A bikini? For your information, I will never in my life wear a bikini. I personally think those who are confident or are just simply blind should wear them. Jeez, don’t fucking wear a bikini if your body is not in good shape! Fucking logic! If you wanna wear it, wear it at your own pool party. Don’t wear a bikini to the beach. If you wanna impress, wearing clothes can do the same job as well. You don’t absolutely have to strip naked for a boy to like you. How do you think people back in the beginning of time impressed? Fell in love? Fuck logic yet again. My phone beeped signalling obviously that I had received a message.

U up for brekkie? - Niall Horan

Calm down. I’m sorry, I forgot to mention. Yep. That’s right. I said it, I said it. Niall Horan was my boyfriend. No actually, he was more than my boyfriend. He was my life. I couldn’t live without him. Did I mention my name?

Hi, I’m Emma. I’m 16 years old, am tall, skinny and have brown hair. So yeah, I’m your average teenager. Apart from the Niall thing. 

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