Right By My Side - Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I looked at the time. 1:30. Eliza had texted another time to tell me which coffee shop. It was the one downstairs, where I had breakfast with Niall. That was considerate of Eliza to choose somewhere near me. I actually liked her, even though I hadn’t met her. I would leave the apartment at about 1:50. Not that it takes me 10 minutes to get downstairs, but I was excited and didn’t want to be late and give the wrong impression.

I grabbed a story book called ‘Let Me Whisper You My Story’. I had read this book ages ago but didn’t quite remember most of the details. I became so absorbed in the book that I forgot the time. I looked at it. 1:56. SHIT! I slammed the book shut, ran to my dresser and sprayed some deodorant all over myself. I checked my hair and slid some bobby pins to hold the loose strands in place. I grabbed my purse checked for money and popped my phone in too. I stuffed lip-gloss inside the purse and ran out of my room.

“Ali, I’m meeting Eliza for coffee. You should’ve told me! I’m running late! Oh my God! I’ll tell you about it when I come back! Bye!” I said in a rush slipping on VANS and running out. I heard a faint ‘OK’ but continued running downstairs. Eventually I reached the coffee shop and walked inside huffing and puffing. Emma! You’re not on a date. Jeez. I worked on calming myself down and making my breathing a pattern. A girl was sitting at a table for two. She had light brown hair with slight blonde streaks. She was pale, tall and skinny wearing a light blue dress that came just above her knees. She looked up from her phone and smiled at me. Eliza I thought.

“Hi” I said walking over to her. She grinned wider.

“Hi. You’re Emma right?” she asked taking in what I was wearing.

“Yeah. Sorry I lost track of time.  And you’re Eliza?” I asked my eyes widening slightly at her 12 inch heels.

“That’s fine. Call me Liz or Eli” she said smiling her eyes shining.

“Ok….Liz” I said taking a seat opposite her.

“So, we’re going shopping tomorrow.” She started looking at the menu.

“Umm..ok. When’s the party?” I asked trying to remember if I had anything on tomorrow.

“It’s this Saturday. Do you have anything on tomorrow? We’re going shopping at 11.” She said.

“Nope, not that I can remember….. Saturday? Hmm….I’m free then too” I said looking at the menu card placed in front of me although I knew everything on here off by heart. The same blonde female who had served me and Niall in the morning walked up to us at that moment. She recognised me and grinned.

“May I take your order?” she asked.

“Yep. Umm…I’ll have a medium vanilla milkshake” Liz said smiling at me. What? I thought we were having coffee?

“Umm….and I’ll have a large chocolate whirl frappe” I said glancing at the price. 4.80. Not bad.

“Is that all?” the woman asked.

“Yepp” Liz and I said together. We chuckled and so did the blonde.

“So… what’s the dress code?” I asked curiously.

“It’s casualormal.” She said grinning at my retarded facial expression.

“It’s a what?” I asked completely confused.

“Casualormal. Casual and formal at the same time” she explained.

“Ohh….” I said dragging the word.

“So, like a dress with heels. Or jeans with a good top.” She said.

“Ohh….” I said dragging the word again.

“Mhmm. What’s your taste? Like dresses? Or heels? Or blue, green or pink?” she asked.

“I….am….not sure” I said taken aback. She chuckled.

“Ok. Don’t worry about it. I’ll find out tomorrow.” She said chuckling again.

“What size are you?” she asked again.

“I’m a 6 in women’s” I said.

“What! You’re so skinny! I thought you’d be an 8 or 10.” She said her eyes widening and her face changing.

“What are you?” I asked.

“6” she admitted sheepishly.

“Exactly” I said sticking my tongue out at her.

“Whatever” she said punching my arm lightly. We started laughing.

“Your orders” the blonde female came handing us our drinks.

“Thanks” I said while Eliza smiled politely.

“Drink up” Eliza said sucking her straw. I took a sip of my frappe. Mmmh. It tasted amazing. I took a longer sip.

“So do you want to meet here tomorrow?” she asked before taking a sip of her milkshake.

“Yeah, sure. If that’s fine with you” I said putting my frappe down.

“I’m fine with anything” she said grinning. After we finished drinking, we walked outside.

“Well, I guess….I’ll see you tomorrow” she said hugging me.

“Bye” I said waving before we both headed off in different directions.

That wasn’t too bad. She was nice. I already felt close to her, like I’d known her for ages. We were friends. I sighed and walked back into my apartment. 

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