Right By My Side - Chapter 4

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My  phone beeped, signalling I had a new message. I flipped it open and checked who it was from. It was from Eliza. 

Hey, I'll pick you up in 5 minutes. Stand in front of the coffee shop. Xoxoxo - Eliza

I smiled and quickly glanced at myself in the mirror. My hair was let down, it's wavy curls falling just past my shoulder. I looked away and slipped my phone in my small hand bag and swung the long handle of the bag across me. 

I ran downstairs, shouting my goodbyes to Alyssa. I jogged over to the coffee shop and stood there looking here and there. Finally, you're early. The sun was beating down on me as I closed my eyes and drank in some Vitamin D. Someone tapped my shoulder blade gently. I spun around and came face to face with none other than Eliza. I chuckled. 

"How are we?" she asked politely. I glanced quickly at what she was wearing. A pair of shorts, a sleevless t-shirt and flats. I felt equal for once. 

"Not bad" I replied as we headed over to where her car was parked. There were so many cars in the carpark that I couldn't tell which one was hers. She led me to a polished, black and sleek sports car. I stood there gaping at it for several seconds. 

"Oh My God" I said stunned as Eliza chuckled. 

"Come on. Get in. It's gonna be a long trip. We have to find your outfit for the party, then matching shoes, then matching jewellery, then your hair, then what your gonna wear to lunch the next day. My dear, we have a lot to do" Eliza said half talking to herself, half talking to me. I chuckled at the thought of me wearing a formal dress. Rolling my eyes I slipped into the car chucking my bag in the backseat. Eliza started the engine, which instantly purred to life. 

I sat back and slipped my sunglasses on. Eliza turned the radio on which was playing "Glad You Came" by The Wanted. I loved this song. We started singing to it and eventually dancing. I laughed as a car next door to us beeped and rolled their windows down dancing along with us. Obviously it was a car full of boys our age. I waved at them and one of them blew a kiss to me. I caught it and gave it to Eliza. He whistled laughing along with his friends. We waved them goodbye as we drove off. Finally after reaching the shopping centre we climbed out and headed inside. We walked into a shop and I stood there nodding or shaking my head to anything Eliza pulled out of the racks. 

 At the end, after 20 shops, 300 outfits and 28 hard decisions, both I and Eliza walked out of the shop with 3 perfect outfits. Eliza insisted on paying for the clothes so I insisted on paying for lunch. This is why we found ourselves sitting in the food court, munching on meals from McDonald’s. I had bought a Big Mac, fries and a large coke, whereas Eliza insisted on having just fries. I sighed when she said she was going to gain weight.

We finished up eating our lunch and made our way back to the car. We placed our bags in the backseat and quickly sat in the car shortly after. Eliza started our engine and we on our way back to my apartment.

“So, the outfits were great. Remember this Saturday is the party.” Eliza said as I got out of the car.

“Yepp. Thanks for the ride” I said beginning the walk back to my apartment. I opened the door and saw Alyssa sitting on the couch.

“Niall called” she informed me as I closed the door behind me.

“He did?” I asked surprised. Niall didn’t usually call on the landline.

“Yepp. He asked if you were with Eliza” she said changing the channel on the TV.

“Oh ok. What did you say?” I asked bored.

“What do you think I said? That you went to the club with Marcus?” she asked sarcastically. I chuckled rolling my eyes.

“Ok, well I’m going to my room. So don’t freak out” I said making my way to my room

“Ok.” She said not taking her eyes of the TV. I closed the bedroom door behind me and walked over to my laptop. I placed it on my lap and logged onto SKYPE. I waited as the page signed me in.

I had 3 new contact requests and 1 new message. I checked who it was from. Niall of course.

“Hey, text me wen ur on skype” he had sent. I chuckled and grabbed my phone while quickly accepting the 3 contact requests.

I’m on skype. Go on!!!!! I texted quickly.

Ok ok. I’m signing in he replied a few minutes later.

I opened up his messaging page. I clicked “Video Call” and waited for Niall to accept. He accepted and soon I was looking at his wonderful, angelic face.

“Hi Niall!” I said a bit loudly.

“Hi! How are you?” his beautiful accent filled my room. I felt like Niall was here with me.

“I’m good thanks. And you?” I asked my voice one octave higher.   

“Same old same old” he said pretending to sound tired. I chuckled.

“That sounds good. So what did you do today?” I asked getting up and unpacking my clothes from the bags.

“Recorded in the studio. Had lunch. Went to the toilet. Hey, what’s that?” he ended pointing at my bags.

“Nothing you will be interested in” I teased hiding the bags. 

"Ah, c'mon. Tell me!" he begged raising his eyebrows slightly. He was so adorable.

"It's for the party, it's a surprise" I said laughing. 

"Ok. Well then I look forward to the surprise" Niall said chuckling. I nodded my head. I heard his phone beep and instantly knew he had a message.

"Who is it?" I asked trying not to sound too interested. 

"Oh, not again!" he complained.

"What happened?" I asked interested now.

"They're calling me back. Apparently we have to do another 'photoshoot'" he said chuckling.

"Oh, ok. That's fine. Take your time! Anyways I have to go too, so I'll see you later!" I lied looking away from the camera.

"Ok. Thanks. I'll see you around"  he said disconnecting the call. 

"Bye" I said even thought he couldn't hear me. 

 "Emma!" Alyssa shouted.

"Yeah? What?" I asked hanging the outfis.

"Nothing, just....how was your trip?" she asked casually. 

"Fine. Hey, do you want to make dinner, or am I making it?" I asked changing the subject.

"We can make it together" she volunteered.

"Yeah, ok. Tell me what we're making once you've decided" I said closing the wardrobe. 

 "Ok" she shouted back as I heard banging in the kitchen. I sat on my bed and thought about everything for a while.

The party was in a few days. What would everyone think of me? Would they like me? Would they hate me? Would Niall stand up for me? 

Of course he will silly. He loves you. More than you love him probably. 

I shook my head. Of course not.

I love him more 

Hey guys!! YO YO WASSUP! Vas Happenin? YOLO! no thats not funny. So here's Chapter 4. Short I know, crap I know, but hey, at least I uploaded! 

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