Right By My Side - Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to Bella!

Chapter 2

“There you are!” he greeted me from behind the table he was sitting at the café.

“Hey” I said leaning in and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. He was wearing cream coloured chinos with a white t-shirt and a pink jacket.

“May I take your order?” a blonde female asked. She looked at Niall who looked at me.

“Err…I’ll have a hot chocolate, pancakes with extra maple syrup and an extra-large chocolate chip cookie” I ended smiling at her. What? I was hungry!

“Ok. And you?’’ she asked Niall.

“I’ll have the same” he said in that oh-my-god-I’m-about-to-faint-if-I-listen-to-it-one-more-time accent. The lady nodded and walked off behind the counter.

“So, how are you?” he asked his blue eyes penetrating into mine.

“Fine. You?” I asked turning red.

“Not bad.” He said smiling.

“And the boys?” I asked curiously.

“The usual. Liam and Danielle have settled in quite well. Him and Danielle are going well. It’s Eleanor’s birthday so we’re all throwing a party for her. Harry is well…. Harry and Zayn and Perrie are….ok.”  he ended thoughtfully.

“Mmmh” was all I managed. Happy Birthday Eleanor!

“Tell Eleanor I said ‘Happy Birthday’” I told Niall.

“Tell her yourself. You have her number and you’re invited to the party” he said flashing a brilliant smile.

“What! I’m invited? But she doesn’t even know me? I mean none of the boys have hardly even seen me. How am I supposed to go to the party? No I don’t deserve to go! What do I wear? Oh my God….” I said trailing off.

“Calm down. You’re invited because you’re my girlfriend and also you deserve it. And yes, that’s another reason. It will be an amazing opportunity to introduce you to everyone. Of course press won’t be there. Only a few photos. Tell Alyssa to come along too. I’ll tell Eliza to send you some clothes” he ended.

“Who’s Eliza?” I asked.

“She’s a close friend of all of ours. I’ll ask her to go shopping with you, since you won’t know what to buy and will probably freak out and buy a bikini.” He said winking.

“Oh ok. Give me a call to tell me when.” I said thoughtfully.

“Here, save her number to your phone, that way it will be easier. She already has yours” he said showing me her number. I quickly saved it on my Samsung S III.

“Does she know me?” I asked wondering.

“Yeah. I’ve told her all about you.” He said chuckling. I rolled my eyes. “Don’t worry she’s nice and plus she likes you. I have a feeling you’re going to be best friends” he said chuckling again. At that moment the female blonde came to our table and handed our plates to us.

“Starving?” he asked lifting his fork and knife.

“You bet” I said picking mine.

“Beat you to it” he said slicing his pancake.

After I finished the last sip of hot chocolate, we walked outside after I insisted paying for breakfast.

“Well, I’m off to the studio now. I have an interview” he said kissing my cheek.

“Oh, ok. Well bye” I said kissing his forehead and hugging him.

“Bye” he said walking away.

“Bye” I whispered after him. I loved him. He found time for me. No matter what. My Niall. That sounds so….good.

I walked back to my apartment.

“Where were you?” Alyssa asked.

“Niall” I said heading to my bedroom.

“Oh ok. How is he?” she asked curiously.

“He’s fine” I said pulling out my laptop.

“Oh and how’s Louis?” she asked.

“Fine.” I said bored.

“And Liam?” she asked.

“Liam is fine. Since when did you want to know?” I asked.

“Oh nothing” she said looking disappointed. I sighed.

“Harry’s fine” I said chuckling. Her face brightened up.

“Oh really? That’s good.” She said smiling.

“And we’re invited to Eleanor’s birthday party” I said smiling back.

“What! You’re kidding right? Oh my God! Ok, well when are you going to shop?” she asked.

“I’m not sure” I said. She nodded and walked out of my room. No sorry skipped out of my room.

My phone beeped. Another message. I checked who it was from.

Hi! I’ve wanted 2 meet u 4 so long! Let’s meet for coffee at 2? :) - Eliza

Wow, that was fast. Maybe Niall texted her on the way. I smiled. Trust Niall to do that.

Hope you liked it :)

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