C3: Beginning of an End♧

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♧Inner Demon♧

I dream of a human size chessboard with chess pieces on their respective places. The only difference was that the king piece on the white side was my brother and I was distinctly on the black side. I looked at my position, noting that I was not the king of the black pieces. I was the queen and this realization made me snapped my gaze to the side, to see who the king was.

A flash of purple caught my vision but the pieces vanished before I could comprehend what happened.

My eyes snapped open, pulling my consciousness back to the real world as I blinked my eyes to keep awake.

I stretched my limbs and got up, my hair lazily sprawled around my body in a messy way, no doubt a few strands were standing on the wrong direction.

Oh look.

There's that ugly looking doll that Nii-sama always carries with him. And then there's Nii-sama, a hair brush on his other hand while gazing at me with intensity.

I didn't know what was creepy, the fact that he was on my room and watching me sleep or the fact that he was acting as if this was all normal.

"Miki-chan~Ohayou, my cute little sister! " He greeted with a wide smile while using his hand to make that annoying doll wave its hand.

Poker face.

I closed my eyes and shifted to my left, pulling the covers over my head as I tried to go back to sleep, not wanting to deal with the annoying specimen which is my older brother.

"Miki-chan! Don't ignore me! It's time for breakfast! You didn't tell me that you're coming home so I hastily prepared some food. I'm sure you wouldn't mind having apple risotto and chicken soup for breakfast. I also made some jasmine tea for--"

I tuned out his ranting. Nii-sama is still annoying and loud, the only normal thing I could grasp.

Seeing as I wasn't responding, he started shaking me so that I would wake up.

"Miki-chan! Wake up! It's already 7! You'll be late for school! "

I bolted upright, frantically looking for the wall clock of my room.

Ah.. It's 6:15...


"You woke up! "He cheered happily while my brows twitched from irritation. "Ah... My cute little sister is so adorable. Don't you think so too, Abel?"

I ignored him as I started rummaging for clothes in my wardrobe.

"Look at that distraught long hair and drool on her lips...! Her bed hair is so cute. If only Miki-chan would wear nightdresses. Right! It is up to me as her onii-chan to educate her properly on the manners and etiquettes of being a fine lady. She's so tomboyish.. Still..! It only proves that she still needs me! Miki-chan! You have something on your face! Better wash up or do you want onii-chan to bathe you--" Thud!

I threw the nearest object that I could pick up. It was a book and he was hit directly on the face.

"You're so loud. Get out of my room. " I ordered with my arms crossed.

☆ɪɴɴᴇʀ ᴅᴇᴍᴏɴ ☆ (ꜱᴇʀᴠᴀᴍᴘ ꜰᴀɴꜰɪᴄ)🌙Where stories live. Discover now